First day in Therondia

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After that Eijirou stood up and walked back to the book shelf and put the book back where it belongs.

He then walked back over and sat back down where he was and put his hand on top of Denki's hand.

Eijirou was about to say something to Izuku before Denki beat it to him. 

"Well Izuku after hiring a bit of our history how about we go out and you interact with the village. You know get use to everyone, because this your new home for now or forever, not to sound rude or anything. Maybe I should shut up and keep my mouth close."

Eijirou turn his body to face Denki and nodded his head, Denki than punch him hard in the shoulder for doing that.

"I can't believe you did that Eijirou, how could you do that to your own husband, I'm going to do something to you very bad when you sleep. So if I were you I would watch my surroundings from now own," Denki says as he gave Eijirou a sinister smile and laughing out loud as a sociopath.

Eijirou laugh nervously and then turn his body facing Izuku mouthing the words " Help me", but that didn't go as well because Denki saw that and smack Eijirou on the shoulder really hard.

"Ow Denki stop that will you that hurt." Eijirou said as he rubbed his arm while glaring at Denki.

"Oo stop it you big baby, you are the leader of the Therondia army and you are whining about getting hit on the shoulder," Denki says.

"Yes, and I'm sorry because you can hit really hard when you want to or when you're angry, so yeah I'm acting like a baby," Eijirou says as he flings his arms around.

"Uh I can't believe I married this guy," Denki says as he brought his hands up to his head and massaging all the stress away. 

"Hey, you said yes when I propose to you, you could have said no. But you loved and said yes and here we are married, and plus you love me", Eijirou said as he bat his eyes at Denki.

Denki laugh at Eijirou action he throw his arms around him and gave him a kiss on the check.

Izuku started laughing out loud and had cause Eijirou and Denki to look at her worriedly.

"I'm sorry, it's just cute seeing how you guys care for each other and show love towards each other," Izuku says.

"Well thank you Izuku, and what are we sitting here for we got to get out of here so lets move it!" Denki says as he stood up and ran to the door leaving Eijirou and Izuku behind.

Izuku looked at Eijirou seeing him gave her a shrug and got up as well walking towards the door.

Izuku let out a sigh and followed after the two making sure they don't hurt themselves, even though there adults.

With the three of them were finally at the door Denki open the door for them and walked out.

Eijirou followed after Denki, though Izuku waited a few seconds wondering if she should walk out of the house. But when she saw Denki giving her an encourage smile she took a step forward then another one and after her third step she was outside of the house.

Denki then grabbed Izuku hand and pulled her along to where he wanted to go.

With Denki and Izuku running straight forward Eijirou shook his head and then ran after them trying to make sure they didn't get in to trouble.

After a few minutes of running Denki stop all of a sudden and that cause Izuku to run into his back and fall down to the ground.

Denki felt the impact and turn around seeing Izuku on the ground.

"Ops sorry about that Izuku, here let me help you up now," Denki says as he held his hand out.

Izuku took his hand and then Denki pulled her right up.

"Thank's Denki for the help, but ow my butt hurts now," Izuku says as she rubs her butt.

"Well Izuku welcome to the best shopping district in Therondia, it's my favorite one," Denki says.

Izuku looked all over the place seeing a river in the middle of the land with a stone bridge over it for people to cross over to the other side. There were many tents up and buildings with lanterns on them that holds fireflies inside. Many women and men were there looking to see what they needed to buy as children ran around playing with each other.

This scene made Izuku breathless seeing how everyone react to each other and how nice they are.

"This is amazing, I love this place now," Izuku says as she smiled warmly.

"Well then lets show you around Izuku so you know where you need to go if you want something," Denki says as he grabbed her hand again and started to walk forward.

With that said Denki lead Izuku all over the district showing her which places have the best clothes to buy, which places has the best food, and where they sell the best drinks of all time while Eijirou follow behind them.

After a bit they got some food and sat near the river as they chatted to each other.

"Denki, Eijirou I have a question," Izuku said as she play with her hands,.

"Well Izuku what your question," Eijirou said as Denki nodded his head along.

"Well I was wondering if this place has herbalist shop around, because I'm dyeing to see what type of herbs you guys have here so I can learn them and find if I can make medicine from the herbs," Izuku said.

"Well we not have and herbalist here, and the only ones that know a few herbs here is Recovery Girl and she works at the castle," Eijirou said.

"Wait. So you are telling me that no one runs a herbalist shop here, that's mess up," Izuku said.

" A lot of people don't really find a huge interest into herbs and how to make medicine from it," Eijirou said.

After hearing that Izuku now knew what her goal and job would be here know.

"Well then, I guess I will open up my own herbs shop here for people to rely on me," Izuku says as she smiled towards Eijirou and Denki.

Thank you for reading! I'm so sorry for all of you guys waiting for this chapter. I kind of had a hard time coming up with this chapter and my life had been a little crazy. So with this said I hope you guys have a fabulous day or night and Bye!!!!

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