The end

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With both armies at each other necks, this was definitely going to be an interesting day. It will also be determined if the war will finally be put at an end or continued forever.

Izuku watch by the sidelines and all she could say is that there was blood everywhere. She felt her stomach twist and turn, and that was not a good sign.

She saw different people kill each other like they were savage monsters and that terrified her.

She wish she could stop them and tell them that fighting doesn't solve everything, and it will bring sadness and hatred to people's heart. But she was tied up by All For One who was smiling as he watched people kill each other.

Izuku looked at Toga and saw that she too like seeing all this blood. Of course she does, she is a villain after all and she drinks blood!

"Toga." Izuku whisper at Toga to get her attention. But that failed because Toga didn't hear her or was just ignoring her to watch blood be spilled on the ground.

Izuku didn't want to result to violence, but with some people you have to. Izuku was able to use her leg so she kicked Toga in the butt to get her attention.

It worked because Toga stare at her. Izuku didn't take it to heart as she made motions towards Toga to get her out of the rope.

Toga made a face at her saying she can't, Izuku didn't like that answer and nod her head telling Toga she could.

Toga was hesitant at first, but she made up her mind and realized that Izuku was just like her, some what. Toga grabbed her knife and started to cut the rope off of Izuku, but made sure she was quite to not alarm All For One.

One row of rope was gone.... two rows of rope gone....third row was gone. Toga was cutting of the last row of rope when a hand landed on her shoulder.

Toga and Izuku both tense up when they looked up and saw that the hand belonged to All For One.

"Toga what are you doing." All For Said as he gave Toga a smiled, not a nice smile to make you smile. He smiled as he was angry and wanted to end you right here and now.

Toga was quick enough to cut the last piece of the rope, and that cause Izuku to be quick and landed a punch on All For One's face.

"That's what you get for keeping me in prison." Izuku then punch All For One in the stomach. "That's for hurting me, Toga, and all these people you have suffer." Izuku then punch All For One in the neither region and that cause him to fall to his knees holding his crotch as let out groans. "That's for hating your guts. Come on Toga let's go end this war!" Izuku said as she rushed to the battle field with Toga following behind her.

Izuku saw some of hers friends fighting, and Toga saw her friends fighting as well. Both of their friends were fighting each other.

Izuku looked at Toga who nodded her head getting the message as they breathe in lots of air.

"STOP!" Both Izuku and Toga yelled as people stop their fighting turn towards the two.

"This is wrong, we shouldn't be fighting each other. We should listen to each other and work things through." Izuku said as she looked at each and everyone.

"Izuku is right we should help each other and get rid of All For One." Toga said as she looked at Izuku and saw her smiled at her.

"All For One is really our enemy! He was the one who started all of this and he wants to kill all of us when he rules our land! So we should work together to get rid of him! Now who's with us!" Toga said and she saw them raising their fist high in the air.

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