A Herb shop?

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"What!" Both Eijirou and Denki said.

"Yep, and there's no way someone is going to stop me when I have a plan in my mind. It will be like the one in my home village, but different with all the herbs here and how building are build," Izuku says.

"Wait you had your own herb shop at your village and you left it to explore the world, and now you want to make a new one here'" Denki says.

"Yeah I want to, I want to help everyone in this kingdom, I have always help people even when I was a child I always help people I need. I love helping people when they need medicine for a fever or to help heal a wound. I have always been like this, and I don't plan on stopping on what I love to do. So yes I'm going to open a herb shop for everyone here," Izuku says.

"Alright Izuku I'm with you," Denki says as he stood up and grabbed Izuku hand again and walked off leaving Eijirou behind.

"Wait Denki where are going with Izuku," Eijirou says as he ran up to the two.

"Well we are going to tell this to Bakugo and see what he thinks of Izuku idea," says Denki.

"What! Bakugo is going to kill us if he hears this," Eijirou says as he throws is arms up trying to get Denki out of his goal of talking to Bakugo.

"Well who cares what you say Izuku is here now and she is one of us, so it's good for her to do something in our kingdom for a living on what she loves to do. So if you disagree with me Eijirou I swear you will sleep on the couch for the next two months!' Denki says as he kept on walking ahead to the castle while pulling on Izuku's right arm.

"Fine", Eijirou says grumpily as he walked behind the two dragging his feet like a little kid.

While walking this time Izuku looked around the kingdom to get used because this was her new home from now on, so she better get use to things here.

When they finally made it to the castle they asked one of the guards if they could talk to Bakugo.

The guard left the three to ask King Bakugo if the three could come in and speak with him.

Izuku took her time admiring the castle hall way and sometimes ask Denki on what some of the things are in the hall way.

After a few minutes the guard came back and told the three they could enter the throne room.

So the three then walked towards the entrance of the throne and the person who was guarding the doors was Sero.

"So I heard that you guys want to talk to Bakugo about somethin. So what are you going to say to Bakugo?" Sero said as he lean on his spear bored out of his mind.

"Well I guess you have to wait to hear what Bakugo says to our proposition," Denki says as he walked into the throne pulling Izuku with him as Eijirou still drag his feet to the throne room.

Once the three where inside they saw only Bakugo sitting on his throne alone without his parents.

"So what is it they you two wanted to talk to me," Bakugo says he glares at Denki and Eijirou, totally ignoring that Izuku was there.

"Well don't forget about Izuku, Bakugo it's actually her idea that you are going to be listening today, not me or Eijirou," Denki says.

"Well then girl what is it you want to say to me," Bakugo says as he lean onto his hand.

"Well your highness I was wondering if I could open up my own herb shop here to help with your people, because I just learn today from Denki that nobody except Recovery Girl don't know how to make medicine from herbs. So I was hoping if you could let me open up my own herb shop like I have at my old home  to help your people. So please do consider this, I don't care if you have people watching my every move. I just want to do what I love that reminds me of my home, so please do think about this. Izuku says as she looked in Bakugo eyes for the first with determination. 

"Fine you may open up your own herb shop if Denki watches all the time to make sure you don't poison my people, do you understand me. Bakugo says as he glares at Izuku.

"Yes!" Izuku says as she jumped up and down with exciment.

"Well then your highness I will be going now getting all the herbs I need for my shop, so come on Denki time to go locking for some herbs." Izuku says as she drags Denki along with her as they exit the throne room.

"You know Bakubro she's really nice for a stranger like her, she already heard about our history of our kingdom, and she wants to help out people. You don't meet a lot of girls or people in matter of fact that would do something like she's doing. You have to agree that she is one of us know, whether you like it or not." Eijirou says he looked right up to Bakugo waiting for his response.

Bakugo let out a sigh as he got of his throne and walked down to Eijirou.

"Guess I have no choice as to not let Izuku be one of us, I will tell everyone on the full moon for our 200th anniversary of our kingdom then." Bakugo says as he gave Eijirou a pat on the back and started to walk back to his throne. 

"Wait Bakubro that's tomorow," Eijirou says as he looked up to bakugo.

"I know, so you better get Izuku something to wear to the festival and don't let her wear a vest, because all the girls will look at her funny." Bakugo says as he sat on his throne.

"Alright then I guess I'm off to fine something for the three of us to wear for the festival tomorrow, Bye bakubro." Eijirou says as he walked ou of the room.

"Bye shitty hair." Bakugo says as the doors to the throne closes.

Thank you for reading! I hope you guys have a fabulous day or night and bye!

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