Izuku getting ready before she leaves on her journey

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After that day talking to her mother she was gathering all the supplies she needed for her adventure across the great lands of this world.

She talked to everyone in the village making sure she wrote down all the medicine they usually take. She had wrote down lots of pages for everyone medicine.

But poor Hitoshi he now has to make all the medicine for everyone in the village.
When Izuku came back from talking to the villagers she had a while book worth of notes.

Izuku put the book in front of Hitoshi smiling nicely, because she doesn't want Hitoshi to kick her butt very hard.

Though with her bad luck Hitoshi kicked her but very hard and yelled at her saying why now.

He had only start practicing learning about herbs and making medicine from the herbs this year.

Izuku said she was sorry for putting him in a stressful situation.

He just gave her a cold stare that burn away Izuku soul a little bit. But he then smile a little and gave her a tight hug telling her to stay safe when she explores.

She nodded her head and hug him a little harder before she release him and exited the small shop.

She walked towards the forests where she usually get all the herbs she use for making the medicine.

She smiled as she walked down the dirt path she always has gone on since she was ten years old.

She even remembered from her childhood that she would always come to the forest to escape the outside world and pretend that she could do anything.

She would pretend that she was a mermaid when ever she swam in the water or a pirate that had captured a loot of gold.

But what she remembered the most was when she would pretend to be a knight rescuing people in need and slaying dragons saving the damsel in distress.

She had so much fun back when she was a child doing whatever she wanted to do without having a care in the world.

She kept walking through the forest sometimes running her hands on the trees feeling the hard bark that protects the inside of the tree from many different things.

She stop walking when she all the herbs spread out from one another but close enough for Izuku to see them all.

She started picking all the herbs she would need, but being careful and quite at the same time trying not to disturbed all the life inside the forest. 

The herbs she grabbed were Black root that helps with digestion, Comfrey that is a major healing herb, and  Ground ivy that helps with stubborn coughs and to stimulate the kidneys and clarify the blood. Also there is the Opium Poppy that helps relief pain and the last herb she grabbed was the Witch Hazel that is a treatment for bruises and bumps. 

After Izuku grabbed the Witch Hazel herb she put in her bag with the other herbs and started walking back through the forest towards the entrance to go back home for the day. 

She decided to walk slow enjoying the scenery of the forest for the last time before she leaves the next day not knowing how long she will be away for. So she just enjoys the time in the forest looking at all the beautiful flowers and the wild animals as she walks pass them. 

As she kept looking at the scenery around her she didn't realize that she was already at the exit of the forest and that the sun was setting which meant to her that dinner was almost done. 

So Izuku started running towards her house because she doesn't want to be late for as it was her last dinner with her mother, she was also very hungry, and she doesn't want her mother to wack in the head with a spatula just by being late for a second. 

She remember that day very well because she did it only once when she was fourteen arriving home late because she was gather a lot of herbs. She was late to dinner by one second and when she open the door she was greeted by a spatula on the head by her angry mother.

Izuku learn after that accident is to never be late to dinner not even a second late to dinner. 

Once Izuku open the door to their cozy cabin she heard her mother yelled that dinner was done. Izuku let out a sigh happy that she made it in time for dinner, she walked towards the kitchen to see two bowls of katsudon on the table. 

She smiled towards her mother happy that for their lats dinner together was her favorite meal in the entire world. 

The both of them chatted to each other while eating their meal talking about what might happen with Izuku when she travels around the different Kingdoms. 

"Izuku you might find a man on your journey that you will fall in love and want to get married with him." 

Izuku swallow the last of her meal looking at her mother with a funny look. "Mom I told you already I don't want to get married yet or never,"

Inko shock her head at what her daughter said, she let out a sigh before speaking again. 

"Izuku dear, you might feel that right now but when you meet your prince charming your feelings will change. Trust me I was just like you when I was younger, but when I meet your father my feelings change and I wanted to spend my entire live with your father until we die. So Izuku trust my words because one day you will meet the man that you want to spend your entire live with. Okay?" 

Izuku heave out a sigh before speaking, " yes mother, I understand" as she looked tired speaking about this. 

Inko let out a chuckle at how her daughter reply to the question. "Alright Izuku it's time to head to bed because you need a good night rest for your long day tomorrow."

Izuku nodded her head as she wash her dish and gave a good night hug to her mother and headed towards her bedroom. 

Once she enter her bedroom she saw her big brown bag that had everything she packed for her journey. She then got changed out of her clothes and put on her nigh gown and settle into her bed.

As she was in bed she looked around her room before letting the sleeplessness get to her. She smiled a small smile before going to bed waiting for the next day to come. 

I hope you enjoy the chapter! The next chapter will be Izuku leaving her village and starting her journey around the different kingdoms and the entire world. So please continue reading the story. Please vote, and comment on what you like because I would like to know your guy's opinion on the story. So I hope you have a fantastic day or night whenever your reading the chapter. 

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