Izuku is missing

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Katsuki was in his office doing paper work as he thinks back to the conservation with Izuku.

"Why did I say that! I'm so stupid!" Katsuki said as he throws his paper towards the floor.

"I love her, but no my stupid ego had to kick in say no! Katsuki then stood up and looked at the mess he had made and groan.

He started picking up all the paper he had thrown towards the ground when the door to his office was slammed open.

"KATSUKI WHERE IS IZUKU!" Katsuki looked over towards the door and saw Denki was the one who had yelled that.

"I don't know." Katsuki said as he placed the stack of paper on his desk.

"Well she's not at my and Eijirou's house." Denki said as he stare at Katsuki seeing him picking up his mess.

"So, the last time I saw her was when I told that I didn't like her." Katsuki said as he finish placing the last stack of paper only to have all the paper push off the desk by Denki.

"WHAT, KATSUKI FOR FUCK SAKE WHY DID YOU SAY THAT TO HER!" Denki yelled in Katsuki's face trying not to put him in a choke hold.


"WELL TELL ME THE TRUTH!" Denki yelled back as he push Katsuki's chest.

"I"M IN LOVE WITH HER, BUT MY STUPID EGO DECIDED TO SAY NO! I already know I mess up and she never want to hear and see me every again." Katsuki said but then something hit him in the face and made him stumble on to the floor.

Katsuki looed up from the floor to see Denki having his right hand in a fist.

Denki then let go of his fist and let out a sigh as he held out his hand for Katsuki.

Katsuki took it and Denki help him stand up and gave him a hug,

"Don't worry Katsuki I'll help you win back Izuku's heart." Denki said and that cause Katsuki to have a few tears run down his face.

"Why though?" Katsuki ask as he looked at Denki only to meet with a smile.

"It's because your my best friend and that's what best friends do, they help each other out."

"Thanks' Denki." 

"No problem bro."

After the two had said that Eijirou ran in to the room looking at Denki and Katsuki scared.

"Denki, Katsuki, Some of the guards that were on duty saw Izuku run in to the forest and was heading to the entering of the mist and hasn't come back." Eijirou said as he started to pant from running just a great distance.

" Denki, Eijirou let's go." Katsuki said as he grabbed his cape and sword as he exited the room.

"But Katsuki we can't leave the forest.. unless you break the spell, but that will put everyone in the kingdom in trouble." Denki said as he followed Katsuki down the hall with Eijirou following behind.

"I know and it's time for the world to know that we are real and not legends, and that we are here to stand not back down because their beliefs.: Katsuki said as he open the doors of the castle opening and walked down the small stairs.

"Wait Bakubro we need to get Hanata and Mina to join us for back up to get Izuku and we need to go see Recovery Girl to break the spell."Eijirou said as stood next to Denki on top of the stairs.

"Fine go get them and make it quick Eijirou, and Denki tell Recovery Girl to break the spell now." Katsuki said as he stood at the bottom of the stairs. 

"You got it." Then Denki ran back in to the castle as Eijirou ran in front of Katsuki going to get Hanata and Mina.

"Please be safe Izuku."Katsuki said as he wait for his friends to come back and then head out into the world after the spell is broken.



Those were the sounds that were surrounding Izuku as she slept on the hard, cold, and wet floor.

Izuku was currently chain up on the floor having water droplets splash around her.

She was in a cell far below underground far away from the forest and other kingdoms.

But she was in another forest on the west side of the continent named Dregonad.

It was a kingdom of total darkness that other kingdoms do not know of and never will.

The forest had dead trees, bones laying around on the floor animals and humans, and mist covering the floors of the forest.

It had evil spirits wandering the forest looking for innocent and pure soul to eat.

Then there were the beasts and other monsters 

that guard the castle from people who had kindness in them, even an ounce of kindness the beast will kill.

People living inside the walls of the castle working side by side with the evil spirts and all the beasts and other monsters.

Young to old were welcome in the kingdom that had hatred, anger, and sadness inside of them.

They all work together to make sure that other people feel their wrath of what they felt when all of humanity had given up on them.

All of the people, evil spirts, beasts, and monsters all worship the group that helps rule the kingdom waiting for the recreation of their king.

Though the king was not there physically, but was there with it's soul trapped in an object far many years.

The spirt of the king had been sealed away for exactly two hundreds years on the night of the anniversary of the Therondia kingdom.

On that same night two hundreds years ago the king was in a heated battle with the savior of the Therondia kingdom.

 All Might was the one who had sealed the king in a vial in that forest were they had their battle and left the vial there in a protect seal with his own blood and soul.

Though each year the seal weakens a bit, and so with each passing year the seal would weaken.

And now that two hundreds years had passed the seal had finally broken the king had return to the world with all his subjects by his side waiting for his orders.

His orders were to start the war again that had happen two hundreds years ago to kill all the humans, dragons, and half blooded dragons that was in his way of ruling the world.

And yes this king of the Dregonad kingdom was All For One.

Thank you for reading this chapter! I hope you have a fabulous day or night and bye!!

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