The mystery hooded figured

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Izuku heart started to beat faster from the view of the hooded figure running right towards her.

Izuku was quick at gathering all of her belongings before she bolted from where she was standing.

She ran as fast as she could at that moment because she remember back at the village one of the groups of adventures saying that there are some dangerous people out in the world.

And the most dangerous of them all go by the name  " League of Villains" everyone in the great four kingdom know that group very well.

In each of the four kingdom are the most strongest magic that are inside a scroll protected away from everyone especially the bad .

But one night they stole the all the four scrolls successfully with no one not knowing and up to this no one had ever gotten the four scrolls back.

She even remember that the adventures say that if you travel by yourself you need to be extremely cautious about things around you.

Izuku knew that she has to get away from that hooded figure and as fast as she can.

So Izuku use all of her might and ran as fast as she could.

Izuku didn't know where she was going to go because she barley had enough time to know witch path she should take.

So as she ran she never look behind her because she was afraid of what the hooded figure will do to her if she was caught.

While she ran away from the hooded figure she was coming to the stop point with three different dirt paths.

If she goes straight she will head to the kingdom of Zariya, if she goes on the right she will head to the other kingdom of Pendilor.

And if she goes to the left she will be heading right towards the Mystical forest.

When Izuku got to the stop point she look at all the three different paths.

But before she made up her mind she heard evil giggles coming right behind her.

With her short of time she turn to the left path and started to run again.

As she ran down the dirt path there where puddles of water everywhere.

She especially didn't want to get her new shoes she just got this morning  to get dirty.

So as she ran down the dirt path she was careful not to go in the puddle s of water.

Once she made it out of the area of puddle water she decided to turn around to the back to see if that hooded figures was still chasing after her.

To her surprise she didn't saw the hooded figure.

So she slowed down and started to walk, but at the same time she was being cautious.

While she walked she decided to look around to help calm down her heart from that scary moment.

She saw flowers all over the place and the trees leaves were such a beautiful green color.

She was happy by just looking at all the beautiful things that were connected to nature.

As she walked down the dirt path and enjoying looking at the scene she didn't know that she was walking up to a huge gate.

She then looked straight forward to see if she could found any signs or people to help her out.

But she saw a huge gate with knights guarding it like a hawk.

When she arrived to the gate all the nights got in to a fighting stance.

Izuku jump back a little from how the guards were acting towards her.

Before she could talk one of the knights beat it to her.

" What are you doing here miss, you should know that no one is allowed here".

"Um sorry sir but I got lost because this hooded figure started to run after me when I was finally looking over my map to see all the different paths."

" Wait miss did you say that a mysterious hooded figure started to run after you while you were looking at your map"?

"Yes sir". The knight then waved his arm towards her to come his way.

She walked towards him slow just to make sure she wouldn't get hurt.

Once she was close enough the knight bend down to speak in her ear.

"You are in danger miss".

After hearing this Izuku let out a gasp of horrid.

And before she could speak a arrow went right past the two.

"We are under attack, get ready to fight" says the knight as he grabbed his sword and got into a fighting position.

As he had said that two hooded figures came out of the woods into the view.

All the knights stand in front of Izuku to protect her and to make sure that none of the two hooded figures went past the gate.

Before they started the fight the one knight told Izuku to run and get out of here.

So Izuku turn around and ran towards the gate hoping to get away from the fight.

But to her luck one of the hooded figure saw her running towards the gate and decided to go after her.

Once Izuku made it towards the gate she use all of her strength to push open the gate.

When she turn around to see the fight she saw the same hooded figure running right toward the second time.

At that moment Izuku use all of her might and push open the doors of the gate.

She than ran right through the open gate running for her life.

The hooded figure ran after her drawing out two knifes.

As Izuku ran away from the hooded figure she was approaching the Mystical forest entrance.

When she got at the entrance she saw mist covering the entrance. 

At that moment she knew that this was the Mystical forest.

She knew that she only had two choices, the first was to run into the forest or go against the hooded figure.

Izuku decided with the first choices but the consequences were that she would never see her mother, friends, or her village ever again.

She then run into the mist covering the entrance.

Once she did the hooded figure stop and turn around to help the other one that was currently fighting the knights.

As Izuku ran into the forest she didn't see where she was going and bump her head on a tree branch and past out laying on the cold hard ground.

Thank you for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoy the chapter! See you next time in the next chapter!

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