Izuku learns the truth

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"Umm..." Izuku started as she looked towards Denki for advice and saw him smiling and giving her two thumps up.

"Sure?" Izuku said as she looked at Katsuki to see what he will do.

"Good, come on Izuku let's get going." Katsuki said as he started walking out the store, but stop in front of the door to see Izuku hadn't move.

"Well are we going or not?!" Katsuki said as he crosses his arms stomping his one foot trying not to yell at Izuku.

"Oh she's going don't worry Bakugo." Denki stated as he push Izuku past the counter and gave her a big push towards the door and Katsuki.

"Now she better be back at home before sunset or you be in trouble Bakugo." Denki warn as he waved his pointer finger as Izuku chuckle a little as Katsuki glare at Denki.

"Denki your not her mother and you are diffidently not in charge of her." Katsuki said as he glared at Denki while Denki started sweating.

"She's living in my and Eijirou's house, you told us to watch after her, and we see her like a little sister. So as her big brother she better be back home before sunset and if not then you better pray to All Might that I wouldn't beat your butt, and I don't care if your the king or not. Got it Bakugo." Denki said as he stare at Bakugo smiling like a little devil he is.

"Alright I get it Denki see you later." Katsuki said as he grabbed Izuku hand and drag her out of the store.

"Be safe and have, but to much fun!" Denki shouted at the two as he saw them leave.

"Huh young love, well it's time to close up the shop and then go home." Denki said as he clean around the shop.

Katsuki was still holding on to Izuku's hand after leaving the shop dragging her somewhere.

"Um your majesty your still holding my hand." Izuku said as she tried to get Katsuki attention.

"I know it just to make sure that you don't get lost because your still new to the kingdom and I don't fell like finding you if you get lost." Katsuki explain as he kept walking pulling Izuku hand a little rougher.

So Izuku stayed quite as she looked around as she and Katsuki walked to where he wanted to take them.

When Katsuki stop walking Izuku bump in to his back and then took a step back rubbing her forehead.

"Ow and where are we your majesty." Izuku ask as she kept rubbing her forehead.

"Call me Katsuki and take a look around to find out." With that said Izuku stop rubbing her forehead and step next to Katsuki and looked around.

Izuku saw that she was in the forest with open space, but there was no mist in the trees in this area. So she was finally able to see the sun for the first time in a couple of days.

"Wow there's no mist covering the trees here. Where are we exactly?" Izuku looked at Katsuki for his answer, but saw sit down on the grass and look at the sky.

"We are in a forest that is close to the castle that I only know, but you to so don't tell anyone because this one of the places I hide away from everything to have peace and quite." Katsuki said he look at Izuku to her smile and nod her head.

"I promise I won't tell anyone and when did you found this place." Katsuki let out a sigh as he laid down covering his face with his right arm.

" I found this place when I was four years old running away from the maids and butler trying to get my in some formal clothes, but they were to slow to catch me. So after I ran out of the castle I ran in to the forest not knowing where I was going until I came across this place. This place was so calm and quite so I stay here for a little bit before going back to the castle, but I made sure to mark a few trees with a slash so I know how to get here. So every now and then I would come here to escape from everything, but know I'm king I have less time to come here and do what ever I want. So don't tell anyone or I'll throw you in to the dungeons for a long time."

Izuku nervously laugh and laid down closing her eyes as she listen to the forest.

So the two stayed there for a while laying on the ground listening to the noise that was going on in the forest.

After a while Katsuki got up and nudge Izuku telling her to get up.

She let out a groan as she sat up and glare at him as he just laugh it off standing up and streching.

"Come on grenny it's time to go back." Katsuki said as he started to walk away as Izuku scramble up to stand and walked after him.

When they made it out of the forest Katsuki walked Izuku back at Denki and Eijirou's house.

Before they were at Denki and Eijirou's house Izuku stop and look at the ground.

Katsuki turn around after not hearing Izuku's steps and looked at her.

"What's the matter Izuku." Katsuki ask as he walked towards he a little before stopping again.

"Why are you spending time with me?" Izuku asked as she looked at him.

Katsuki sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

"If you really want to know why I bother spending time with you is for me to win your heart so I can get married to you so I can really become the King and not have my parents  worrying about me not finding a wife to rule by my side." Katsuki said he looked at Izuku and saw her start to have tears form in her eyes.

"Do you at least like me ?" Izuku asked as she looked Katsuki right in the eyes.

"No." After hearing that Izuku started crying and fell down to her knees.

Katsuki walked up to her to help her up as he lean his hand forward only to have it slap by Izuku.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME OR TALK TO ME EVER AGIAN!" Izuku shouted as she push Katsuki out of her way and ran forward.

Katsuki was about to go after her, but decided to not to for the best and walked back to the castle.

Izuku had just enter the forest, but was still running as she ran deeper and deeper in to the forest.

Izuku didn't see where she was going but she didn't care at the moment as she kept running.

When Izuku finally stop running she took a couple of deep breaths before looking around of her.

She saw that she was at the area where she enter the forest.

She took a step forward but stop as she look back remembering the kingdom, the people she had meet, Eijirou, and Denki.

She almost took a step towards the kingdom but stop remembering about how Katsuki was the reason why she was out here.

So she step forward and then started running trying to find the wall of mist.

As she kept running she was able to make a huge wall of mist from afar, so she use all her might and ran to that wall.

When she finally arrived at the wall of mist she stop and stuck her hand forward to see if it will go through the mist and it did.

She backed up a little and then ran through the mist to meet the other side of the wall of mist to see the open sky with the sun still shining.

When she took a step forward her head was hit with something as she fell down to the ground.

"It's nice to see you again Izuku~." After that Izuku vision turn black as she was pick up and then carry away from the mist.

Hello and thank you for reading this chapter! I hope you have a fabulous day or night and bye!!

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