Time to break free from this spell!

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Katsuki waited below the stairs as he heard footsteps coming down the stairs really fast.

When Katsuki turn around he saw Recovery Girl running down the stairs with Denki following behind her.

"My King if you do plan on destroying the barrier I'm warning you that the war from two hundred years ago will start again, and I'm afraid that he has been freed." Recovery Girl said as she looked at the scared tree of the kingdom.

Katsuki's eyebrows raise as he heard about ' he has been freed'.

" Who is this person that you feared has been set free?" Katsuki asked Recovery Girl let out a sigh as Denki nervously came closer to the two.

"Who she is speaking about is the person that had battle All Might and had lost the battle from two hundred years ago." Denki said as Katsuki looked at him worried.

"Yes Denki the who is All For One and I'm afraid that on the anniversary for our kingdom, was also the day he has been set free from his seal that All Might sealed him in. Now I'm worried that they could have been the one who had kidnap Izuku." Recovery Girl said as she started walking back up the stairs.

"Recovery Girl what the fuck do you mean?" Katsuki said as he followed her back up the stairs and then into the castle.

"You'll see." Recovery Girl said as she lead Katsuki and Denki through the castle until they stopped in front a wall.

"Why did we stop in front of a wall Recovery Girl?" Katsuki ask as he waited for Recovery Girl answer until he saw her moved a picture that showed a key hole. She then grabbed something from her pocket and then reach it to the hole and then turn it. 

The wall then spilt in half and moved away from each other creating a walk way from the walls splitting apart.

"Come." Recovery Girl said as she walked through the walk way, Denki went after her quickly as Katsuki let out a scoff and follow after her.

When he enter the walk way it started to close and the light started to dim until it was fully dark.

Recovery Girl lead the two down spiral stairs until they made it down the stairs showing a door.

She then walked to the door and open it up easily and did a little 'come on' with her cane as she walked through the door way.

So the two followed her and saw that the room was definitely a little old fashion then how things are and also there was dust everywhere.

Recovery Girl then walked to a shelf and grab something off it and then turn around and walked towards the two.

What Recovery Girl was holding was an orb that was a dark crimson color as the colors inside the orb was mixing around giving it a slight glow.

"Katsuki this is the orb that had kept us save for centuries from the outside world. If you break this orb we will join all the other kingdoms and we will be also be in danger with All For One free once again. Are you sure that you want to break the orb?" Recovery Girl asked as she looked at Katsuki strict face.

Katsuki thought for a few seconds until he got his smirk back on his face.

"Yeah I think our kingdom is ready to break free from this prison hell hole and be free once again like our ancestors were." Katsuki said as he grabbed the orb from Recovery Girl's grip and then throw the orb to the ground.

They all saw how the orb shatter in to millions of pieces and then the colors that were trapped in the orb flew out from the room and Katsuki and Denki follow after the colors.

They follow the wind of colors up the spiral of stairs and through the split wall that had open up again for the two and out the entrance of the castle.

When they made it to the stairs they saw Eijirou, Mina, and Hanata at the bottom of the stairs looking up at the sky.

So Katsuki and Denki look up at the sky and saw the wind of colors going up in the sky where the mist is.

When the wind of colors made contact with the mist, light erupt the sky as the wind blew the mist up in the sky and the mist started to evaporate.

Everyone in the kingdom saw all the commotion up in the sky and when the light dim down they all saw the sun for the first time.

"So this what Izuku said about the sun, it's so bright." Denki said as he us his hand to cover his eyes to help block the light from the sun.

"Bakubro what is going on?!" Eijirou shouted as Katsuki walked down the stairs, when he made at the end of the stairs many people rush to the castle to know what had happen.

"My people it is time that we are set free from this hell and know what had happen to the world outside." Katsuki said as everyone in the crowd started to shout questions.

Katsuki raised his hands to quite them as Eijirou, Mina, and Hanata ran to his side knowing a little bit what's going on.

"Everyone I want us to be free like how our ancestors were and not be a coward not facing out problems. We are the mighty dragon kingdom of Therondia and it's our time to once again unit with the other kingdoms! It is also our time to make sure the war from two hundred years ago be put to an end and to make sure our enemy long ago be killed this time." Katsuki said as everyone from the crowd let out a bunch of battle cries.

"Recovery Girl me and these extras will be going and make alliance with the other kingdoms that will help us win the war." Katsuki said as the four idiots well knights did a group hug and was getting ready to change in their dragon forms.

"What if they are still the same from two hundred years ago?" Recovery Girl said as he watch the four knights change into their dragon forms.

"Then they too will feel out wraith." Katsuki said as he change into his dragon from and let out a roar, he then took of in the sky with four other dragons following after him.

"Good luck my King." Recovery Girl said as she watch them leave the kingdom.

Hello and thank you fro reading this chapter! I hope you all have a fabulous day or night and bye!!

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