Where am I ?

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Izuku just stay still because she didn't want to anger the dragon ans have the dragon drop her in air and have her fall hundreds of feet until she hit the ground dead.

So she stay still while being the dragon grip and decided to watch where the dragon will take her.

Izuku only saw the mist in the sky and a little bit of the tops of the tree, but she made sure she had a plain once the dragon made it the ground to get out of the grip and run for her life again.

Izuku felt like she was in the sky for hours and she was starting to get hungry and thirsty.

But she felt the dragon start going down a little bit, so Izuku decided that she should prepare herself to run once the dragon lands.

She saw the dragon slow down it's flapping to were it stop flapping it's wing and just kept his wing still for the wind current to carry him to where he was going. 

She then saw glowing lights ahead of them, so she kept eyes on the light ahead of them.

Once they came close to the lights she saw a humongous tree with bright lights all around the tree. 

She saw that the dragon wasn't slowing down and kept flying straight towards the middle of the tree. 

Izuku thought she was going to die so she closed her eyes and use her arms to cover her face. 

But to Izuku surprise she didn't collide to the tree, in fact she the whole thing. 

She and the dragon went through the tree and was on the other side of the tree.

Izuku wonder how they were able to go through the tree like that, until she remember that people study magic and where able to do many things. 

But she was confuse on how a dragon was able to master magic she only though humans could do it. 

Then a loud roar rang through the sky and she felt vibrations this time, so she looked up to see the dragon that was carrying her in it's grip was the one that roar. 

She then heard more roars in the area, but she couldn't see where the other dragons were. 

So she slowly turn her head to look forward, at that moment she was so still because she was meet with such beauty. 

In front of her was a breath taking place, she saw houses built in the tress every where ans some on the ground as well. 

She saw that there where lots of different kinds of shops all over the place.

She looked down to see a beautiful flowing river where she saw small dragons and people. 

People? She was so confuse right now, because she remember from her studies and hearing people that no one was allow to go in the Mystical Forest and that there was no one in it. 

But Izuku was surprise to see a city in the Mystical Forest with dragons and people. 

Maybe the four royal families were telling a lie to everyone about the Mystical Forest?

Her thoughts were caught off as the dragon was going down getting closer to ground to land. 

She watch how the dragon was able to flap its wing to bring the two down to the ground.

But when the dragon was almost on the ground Izuku knew it was now or never.

So when they were on the ground Izuku started squirming around until she was finally out of the dragon's grip. 

Once she was out she started to run only to be caught by another dragon between it's teeth. 

She tried to getting out of the dragon's teeth, but at the end she gave up. 

So once the dragon knew she gave up both of them had smoke coming around them. 

So when the smoke disappear all there was left was two men, one with red hair and the other with blonde hair with a black lighting bolt going through it'd hair. 

Izuku was left there speechless seeing how these two men were once huge dragons, but now where just tall men. 

 The two men then came up to Izuku and tied her hands in front of her with a rope, they took the other long piece of the rope and started to lead her to somewhere. 

As she walk with the two men she saw all the parents keeping their kids away from her, and that just made her sad. 

So she drop her head to look towards the ground as she was being lead to a place the two wanted her to go.

After walking a while one of the two shoved their elbow to her side so she could look up.

Izuku looked up away from the ground to see she was at the entrance of a castle.

She sallow her saliva hoping that she would be able to come out of the castle unharmed.

So the three of them continue their walking going inside of the castle entrance.

Once Izuku was inside she was also speechless again for the second time today to see such beautiful things inside. 

The two men lead Izuku through the hall to only stop in front of a big wooden door that such intense drawings on it, and the drawings were dragons and fire.

She saw the two men talking to another one that has black in a knight outfit she had never saw in her life.

She realize that everyone's outfits here in the Mystical Forest were so weird?!

Izuku defiantly knew that she will never wear any of these outfits, it was defiantly not her style.

She saw the knight nodded his head and went inside the doors and disappear just like that.

So she decided to look around even more as she waits not knowing when she has to walk again.

After a few minutes the knight came back and talked to the red and blonde hair men.

Soon the three broke their conservation and looked towards Izuku, of course being friendly an all gave them a little wave.

The knight turn around towards the door and open them up at the same time, and then went to the side for the three to enter the room. 

Once the three were inside the knight then closed the door and stayed inside with them to keep a eye on Izuku.

The two then lead Izuku to the middle of the room and made her go on her knees. 

Izuku then looked up from the ground to see three huge thrones that were against a wall that has a dragon banner on the wall.

She then notice three people that were at the thrones one had brown hair and was a male, one had ash blonde hair and was a female, and the other had blonde ash hair as the female but was a male.

She then heard the male spoke to her " Why are you in the Therondia kingdom of dragons"?

Hello and thank you for reading this chapter!! I really do hope you enjoy this chapter! Also thank you all for reading this book! Well then I hope you have a fabulous day or night whenever you read this chapter. So until the next chapter bye!!!

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