The Mystical Forest?

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The next day Izuku woke up shivering from sleeping on the cold hard ground of the forest.

Izuku sat up confuse to why the sun wasn't shining through the tree's leaves like it always does.

She then looked up towards the tree's trying to found the answer why the sun is't shining through the mysterious forest.

She saw just mist covering all over the trees and not seeing any of the leaves.

Izuku stood up from where she slept and gather all of her things to start walking through the mist.

As she walk through the mist she took a look around the forests to see if she could find any light, even if it's a firefly.

So far all she could see is darkness and mist covering over the trees not allowing sunlight to come in. 

With her walking more into the forest the darkness kept getting darker and darker.

Izuku was getting creep out from all this darkness and mist covering everywhere now.

But she then saw small lights right up head from where she stands.

Izuku than ran to the small light so she could get out from all of the darkness.

As Izuku ran she come closer to the small light to see it was fireflies lighting up the darkness.

But when she arrive to the light she was surprise to see that there were also bright neon color plants surrounding the entire area.

Izuku took out her journal that has lots of information about herbs, she then walked slowly to an area where there were no plants.

She then sat down and started to draw all the different color plants and add the fireflies that hang around the plants.

When she was all done drawing the plants she then took out her pocket knife and lots of small vials to collect some of the different plants.

After collecting some of the vials she decided that was enough for her to study what these plants could do.

She then heard a loud sound, with that she looked around her to see where that sound came from only to hear it again.

She then looked down to see that her stomach was making all that sound.

Izuku then took out a piece of bread and her canteen out of her so she get something inside her stomach.

As Izuku ate her breakfast she was making a plan in her head to start walking again or to stay for a little bit more.

But Izuku knew that she should start walking again just to make sure that hooded figure wouldn't find her if that person was in the forest.

So Izuku finish eating her bread and drink some of her water in her canteen to only found out that she needs more water.

She let out a groan because she didn't know where she could find a stream of water.

So that also give her another answer for her to start walking again so she could find a way to get out of this forest if she could and to get water.

Izuku then started to walk again only for her to stop and walk back to grab out a jar and snatching a few fireflies to use as light.

Izuku then started walking again for the second time during that one minute.

Izuku use the light the fireflies were giving out to navigate through the darkness.

With Izuku walking around the forest carefully to make sure nothing will pop right out to make her frightened.

As she continue walking straight she heard a distant sound of running stream of water.

With that she ran very fast to the  sound so she could get a nice cold drink.

When she finally made it over to the stream she knelled down and use her hand to cup the water.

She than drink the water really fast enjoying the coldness of the water.

She also realize that was the best water she every had in her life.

So Izuku than grabbed her canteen and filled it up with the water.

As she was doing that she heard rustling on the other of the stream. So Izuku lifted her head up and saw animals she had never seen in her entire life.

Izuku saw three baby dragons drinking at the stream and then heard more rustling over there to see a huge dragon walking over to the baby dragons.

Izuku knew that she should get out of there as quick as she can before the huge dragon spotted her.

So Izuku quietly but quickly got up and started to walk backwards very slowly.

While Izuku was walking backwards she didn't she step on a small branch until she heard the snap.

Once Izuku heard that she looked behind her to see the broken branch and that look forward to see that all four dragons were looking right at her.

With that Izuku turn around ran as fast as her legs could to get out out of there!

As Izuku ran she heard a loud roar ringing in the sky, but she didn't look back she kept running for her life.

Izuku use light from the fireflies as she ran through the forest, dodging over tree lumps and small puddles.

As Izuku ran she heard more roars in the sky everywhere probably trying to find where she is.

She than found a tree with a big hole, big enough for her to fit in.

So she ran in the hole hoping that it would help her hide from those dragoons.

Izuku hold her knees close to her chest as she tried to calm down her heart.

After a few minutes she was finally able to calm down her heart.

But, she than heard a low growl knowing that a dragon was around.

She put her right hand over her mouth to make sure she doesn't let out a squeak.

After a few minutes she didn't heard anything so she decided to look out and see if that dragon already left, she was hoping it left.

So Izuku took a deep breath and slowly look out only to see big red eyes looking right into her emerald eyes.

Izuku let out a huge scream scaring the dragon a bit so she use this as a time to run out of the tree.

But the dragon was able to get her by picking her by her clothes between the dragon pointy teeth.

With that the dragon spread out it's massive red wings ans started to flap to get motivation.

Izuku was trying her best to get out of the dragons teeth and didn't realize that they were in the misty sky.

Izuku than felt wind on her face so she then looked that she was up in the misty sky and with that she decided to look down.

As Izuku looked down she didn't saw the ground, so she did the only thing that popped in her head, she scream very loudly.

Even with her screaming the dragon didn't paid attention to her.

So she put her attention on the dragon wondering where it will take her now?

Thanking for reading and I'm so sorry for updating late! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and keep reading this story. Well I hope you have a nice day or night whenever you read this. So until you read again goodbye!

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