Izuku advanture starts

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The sunlight stream through Izuku's window lighting the room up. Some of the sunlight found its way on her face making her opening her eyes.

She sat up and stretch her back while yawning. She took a look around her room and saw her big brown pack and ready to go.

She then realize that today was the day she would leave her village and explore.

She got of her bed quickly and got dressed, she put on her brown pants and her socks, she put on her long sleeved white button up shirt then put on her emerald green vest.

She grabbed her bag and was about to leave the room but she stop and took one last glance at room before walking out of the room shutting the door.

She walked towards the kitchen seeing a plate of pancakes with strawberries on the side on the table with a fork and butter knife on the right side of the plate.

She saw that her mother already had breakfast because she saw a plate in the sink. She then walked towards the table, sit down in her chair and started eating her breakfast.

After Izuku finish eating her pancakes she washed her plate and silverware, she then walked towards the entrance of the house.

As she walked towards the entrance she saw her mother standing there with her hands behind her back.

"Mom what are you hiding behind your back?" Inko let out small chuckles shaking her head before saying " nothing gets past you Izuku. Well before you go I got you something I think you will like." After Inko had said that she brought her hands in front of her holding a red pair of boots.

Once Izuku saw those red pair of boots she was in tears at the generous thing her mother did for her.

"Mom you didn't have to" said Izuku as her mother handed her the boots " Izuku dear I wanted and when you feel home sick just look at the boots. Also everyone said good luck and be safe when you leave today."

Izuku smiled at her mother and than put her arms around her giving her a hard hug before letting go to admire the boots.

When she was all done admiring the boots she then put them on seeing if they were comfortable for her.

The boots were comfortable because there was nice soft fur in the inside to help cushion the feet.

After that she stood up and grabbed her bag that was next to her to sing on to her back walking towards the door.

She had her hand on the handle turning it to open the door, before she took a step she turn around looking at her mother smiling. She saw her mother had tears in her eyes but she nodded her head telling her to go.

Izuku also had tears in her eyes as she nodded her head and then took a step out of the cabin taking a deep breath of the fresh air before running out.

As she ran through the village she past people who she knows and gave them a good bye wave, she ran past Hitoshi and yelled out a good bye while waving.

Once she ran out of the village she saw the big hill that has flowers everywhere, she ran up the hill and than turn around to look at her village for the last time.

She smiled she that her village was alive in the early morning, she then turn around and walked down other side of the hill that was away from the village.

Once she was down the hill she found the dirt road and walked towards it so she could walk on it while it guide her to where she will go.

Hours pass by from her walking on the one dirt path her stomach growled at her to eat something. She sat down on the grass and open her bag to grab one of the four breads she has and ate it while drinking some water from her canteen.

She then open her again bag to find her map so she could use to see where she is going.

After a few minutes of looking for the map she found it, she grabbed it pulling it out and closing the bag.

She rolled out the map on the ground and put rocks on the four corners she found laying right next to.

On the map she saw the four kingdoms that had help create the small villages.

On the map it has all the dirt roads that people can take to get to where they want to go and shows where all the forest are located.

Even the most dangerous forest of them all "The Mystical Forest" no one dares to go in that forest even the bravest knights won't go in to.

All the four kingdoms came together one day and made a rule that no one is every allowed to step foot in that forest.

That's why they have knights guarding the entrance of the forest all day and all night.

Izuku shudder thinking about the thought of all those people who had lost their lives entering the Mystical Forest.

Though she had one thought whenever she though about the Mystical Forest.

The thought she always have is what kinds of herbs are there in the Mystical Forest!

She just wanted to go into the Mystical Forest just to see all the herbs that are in that forest.

But she knew she can't because she doesn't want to die in that forest, she has her friends, close love ones, and her mother to live for. Also she just finally started her journey today!

She decided to put her attention back to the map, she ran her fingers on the many different dirt roads that leads to the four different Kingdoms.

The kingdom in the South is named Khisfire, it is known as the kingdom of braveness and is ruled by the Kendo family.

In the West is the kingdom named Pendilor and is known as the kingdom of beauty ruled by the Yaoyorozu family.

In the East is the Kingdom of Ravaryn, is known as the kingdom of strongest and is ruled by the Testutestu.

In the North is the most strongest Kingdom of all is Zariya, it is known to have the most beautiful and strongest of magic. The kingdom is ruled by the Todoroki's that has the power over the three royal families.

Though there are smaller Kingdoms on the map but aren't strong as the four kingdoms.

As Izuku was looking at the map to see which dirt path she should take, but the bush behind her shock.

Izuku turn around walked towards the bush as her adrenaline got's higher, she moved the bushes to a bunny eating a carrot.

She heaved out a sigh and turn around walking back to her bag and map to continue her walking for the day.

As she walks down the dirt path something came at her fast and silent.

Izuku felt pain on her right cheek so her hand went to her cheek and saw her blood on her hands.

She let out a gasp from her bleeding and then saw a arrow a few yards in front of her.

She turn around to find a hooded figure running right towards her.

Hello thanking for reading this chapter! Well I hope you continuing reading this story. Until then bye!

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