Out into the world!

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As Katsuki, Denki, Eijirou, Mina, and Hanata flew in the sky seeing the mist clearing away little by little they could see a little bit of the world that was outside of the forest.

When they made it to border they could see that the humans did something good and put up a wall to keep everyone out of the forest.

Katsuki flew over the wall and stop midair seeing everything for the first time and he smiled as he saw the vast lanes of grass, with hills, and mountains farther ahead of them.

When he looked down he saw Izuku's bag and landed on the ground quickly and transform back into his human form and ran to Izuku's bag.

He grabbed Izuku's bag and started cry a little knowing that someone have intention with her.

When the other four transform back into their humans form Denki started to cry and Eijirou hugged him once they saw Izuku's bag being held by Katsuki.

"IZUKU!" Denki scream as tears fell raptly from his eyes as he ran to Katsuki and grabbed Izuku's bag from his hand and hugged the bag.  The only thing he have of Izuku and he though of her as his little sister.

"Denki are you okay hun." Mina said as she walked towards him and he only shock his head. Mina then hugged him as he hugged her back crying more.

"Katsuki what are we going to do know?" Hanata said as looked at Katsuki, as Katsuki looked over the vast land.

"We need to see if Izuku's bag still has that map so we could see what Kingdom is the closets to try and get an alliance with them. Then we will go to the other kingdoms and try to make an alliance with them, then we will get ready fro the war that is coming upon us." Katsuki said as he walked to Denki and grabbed Izuku's bag form him and search through it.

When he found it he open it up for everyone to see and they saw that the kingdom called Zariya was the closets to them.

"Alright you guys I guess this kingdom called Zariya is the closets one so Bakubro when will we leave to go there." Eijirou said as he tried to cheer up everyone.

"Now." Katsuki said as he transform back into his dragon form and took off from the ground leaving all behind.

"BAKUBRO YOU CHEATER!" Eijirou shouted gaining some laughs from the other three as they transform into their dragon forms and flew after Katsuki.

As they flew across the sky and over the vast lands they saw things they never saw following the dirt path that will lead them to the Zariya kingdom.

After a few hours of flying they happen to see something large and knew that they were close.

When they flew closer to the kingdom they could see that this kingdom was the same size as there own, but saw somethings they never saw before.

When they made it to the gates they saw people running into the entrance of the gates and knights coming out ready to attack. There were knights that had different uniforms then the other.

Katsuki landed in front of the knights and transform back into his human form as the other four stayed in their dragon forms.

"Hello I am the king of the Therondia kingdom and I am here to try and get an alliance with the Zariya kingdom." Katsuki said as he watch how the knights took this information.

"Well I never of that name before so you most be crinamals." A knight said as he was about to attack Katsuki.

"Wait." Someone spoke as the knight stop and went back in line with the other knights.

Something from the back walk through the other knights and made it to the front see what is the commotion.

The person that stood in front of them all had black hair that was messy and you could tell that he was tired and didn't want to do anything.

"So you say you are the king from a kingdom called Therondia and what are these things behind you?" The mysterious person asked as he looked behind Katsuki.

"Yes I am and these beast are called dragons and why you never heard of us is because we just put down the barrier of mist that surrounds my kingdom." Katsuki said smirking as he watch all the knights have mixed emotions.

"Does that mean your kingdom was in the Mystical Forest?!" The mysterious person asked as Katsuki nodded his head.

"Well then I guess I should show you the way to the meeting hall and please do keep these dragons here so they don't destroy the kingdom." The mysterious person said as he was about to move when he saw the four dragons start to glow.

When the glow disappear their stood four people and no dragons insight.

"Hey you can't leave us here by ourselves because we actually might destroy something with out Katsubabe watching us." Mina said as she walked towards them with the other three following right behind her.

"Also what's your name mysterious person." Denki said as he lean against Eijirou kind of tired from all the flying.

"The name is Shota Aizawa and I am one of the higher up knights of Zariya. Now follow me before someone interrupt us." Shota said as he started to walk off as the five follow him into the gates.

As they walked down the dirt path they saw people use magic different ways then they ever saw before.

When they were at the gates of the castle they saw two other people standing there.

"Hitsohi, Hizashi what are you doing here I thought that you will be back in the village." Shota said as he jog over to them.

"Well we haven't heard from Izuku for days now and she said she would write to us when she will get here, but she haven't and we don't know if something happen to her." Hitoshi said as he looked at Shota.

"Wait you know Izuku?" Denki ask as he looked at Hitsohi.

"Yeah and how do you know her I never saw you before." Hitoshi said as he looked at Denki.

"I know her because she enter into the 'mystical forest' from what I hear you call our kingdom and now I'm afraid that someone had kidnap her when she exit the forest." Denki said as tears was poring from his eyes as he nuzzle into Eijirou's chest.

"What?! Who made her upset!" Hitoshi said as he looked at the other three because he saw Denki balling his eyes out and Eijirou had some tries in his eyes as well.

"It was me." Katsuki said as he blocked Hitoshi punch and held his fist.

"I'm here to get alliance with the other kingdoms to save Izuku from the upcoming war that's going to happen."

"What upcoming war?" Shota said as he glared at Katsuki.

"All For One has been set free." 

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