004 | mizuki 2.0

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she noticed everything;
she just acted like she didn't.

she noticed everything;she just acted like she didn't

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A WARM LIGHT INVADED HER EYESIGHT. Soft murmurs stirred the green-haired beauty laying upon the bed awake. Her eyes fluttered open, gaze cast upon the faded grey ceiling, the smell of lavender making her sigh in content. Her eyes moved around the room lazily, taking in her surrounding.

She spotted her brother talking with All Might and an old lady, the two sitting on chairs whilst All Might laid in the bed beside her, torso wrapped in white bandages.

"Ivette!" exclaimed Izuku, noticing her consciousness.

Ivette winced, the pounding in her head reverberating his voice. "Too loud, Zuku," she muttered, moving to sit up. Her brother darted to her bed, wrapping his arms around her and helping her up. "Thanks."

"Here. Have some gummies," said the old lady, handing her a few colourful gummy bears.


Ivette rose a brow, glancing at Izuku.

"They'll help re-energise you," he explained. Ivette nodded, popping them all into her mouth, tastebuds purring at the various delightful flavours.

"How are you feeling?" asked All Might, offering her a shaky smile. Ivette glanced at him, nature permeating into the depths of her eyes, a promise of new beginnings and dangerous endings. The bandages wrapped around his torso captured her attention, the obvious displeasure shining as clear as the sun shone in the sky. "You gave us quite the scare."

"Alright." She looked at Izuku, noticing she was in a different outfit. "What happened to my clothes?"

"Oh! Uh, yours got ruined, so Uraraka gave you her spares."

Ivette hummed, gently flapping her arms under the long sleeves. The pants were a bit short for her (she was taller than the brunette), but it was comfortable, nonetheless. Ivette made a mental reminder to thank Uraraka the next time she saw her.

Sucking up his courage, Izuku finally asked the question weighing on his mind. "When'd you get your quirk?"

"Last year."

"L-Last year?!"

Ivette nodded. "The sludge monster attacked me, and my quirk manifested," she explained, pushing up the sleeve of her right hand, activating her quirk and watching as misty green tendrils curled around her fingers, swaying to a song no human could hear.

Izuku was speechless, so were the others.

"You should join the school," Recovery Girl said, sitting on her chair and facing the three on the bed. Her eyes were drawn to the emerald illumination in Ivette's. "You'll be a fine hero with that power."

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