010 | cavalry battle

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it's them.
nobody else made sense


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THE SECOND GAME OF THE SPORTS FESTIVAL was a cavalry battle. Midnight explained the rules to the students, giving them fifteen minutes to build their teams and formulate their plans.


Immediately, Ivette was surrounded by her classmates, pleads for her to join them echoing around the arena.

"Ivette, join us!" Uraraka called from her spot next to Izuku, waving her over with a gleeful look on her face. Ivette nodded, making her way over to them when a hand latched onto her elbow, yanking her into a solid chest.

She could smell the sweet caramel scent her soulmate gave off, licking her slightly chapped lips and relaxing into his embrace. "No way, round cheeks! She's with me," yelled Katsuki, his arms wound tightly around Ivette's waist, holding her close to him.

Kirishima nodded, placing his hand on Bakugo's shoulder.

He looked over to Todoroki, but he was busying himself, talking to Yaoyorozu. Kirishima frowned, feeling slightly hurt that their other soulmate didn't want to join them.

"Who says she wants to be with you?" Jiro asked, tugging Ivette out of his hold, only for the green-haired girl to be snatched away by Kaminari, an arm slung around her body and a cheeky grin displayed on his face.

"Soz, but Ivy's pairing up with us," he said as he stood by Todoroki and Yaoyorozu.

Bakugo felt his eyes twitch in annoyance. He knew how close the two crackheads got over the two weeks, their vibes matching, as they said. He hated the close proximity they shared. Call him jealous. Call him possessive. Call him petty. Bakugo did not care. Ivette was his. Eijiro was his. Shoto was his. Everyone else could fuck off.

"Huh?! And who the fuck decided that, dunce face?!" Bakugo yelled, storming over to get Ivette, only for a wall of ice to block him.

"Back off," Todoroki warned, his expression still aloof as usual. Bakugo scowled, glaring daggers into the taller male. Who was he to stop him? And what the fuck was he doing? The four of them were supposed to team up together and win. They were meant to show everyone else just how strong they were.

Ivette sighed, watching as her soulmates and classmates all fought over her.

Am I an object? The fuck is this?

"Midoriya-chan sure is popular," commented All Might, sitting in one of the booths with the rest of the UA staff, all of them spectating the growth of their students.

"Her quirk is powerful," Thirteen said, recalling the amazement that washed over her upon seeing Ivette's power during the USJ attack. Thirteen was thankful the greenette was there that day. She was sure they'd be greatly injured if she hadn't revealed her power.

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