020 | sweet kisses

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they call us dreamers,
but we're the ones that don't sleep

LEAVING THE HOSPITAL on the same day as her soulmate, Izuku and Todoroki noticed the slight change in Ivette's attitude

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LEAVING THE HOSPITAL on the same day as her soulmate, Izuku and Todoroki noticed the slight change in Ivette's attitude. The greenette was awfully quiet, shuffling out of the room they were assigned, mumbling a faint goodbye to her twin brother and classmate, boarding the train and sticking close to the half-and-half boy, offering no form of conversation as the duo travelled back to Endeavor's agency.

Todoroki glanced down at her, his hand curled around the metal bar running along the top of the train's roof. A frown donned his plush lips. He didn't like this Ivette, for it wasn't the Ivette he had come to know. The Ivette he had come to love. He had come to admire and fawn over.

"We are arriving at our destination," called the lady over the train's announcement radio, broadcasted throughout every compartment harbouring a plethora of people ready to head home, head to work, or head elsewhere. Neither teenager cared who these people were or where they were going. "Please secure and prepare your belongings."

Getting off the train, Todoroki laced their fingers together, guiding them through the crowd. Many people noticed their uniforms and gathered the courage to talk to them. None of them made it close, though. A translucent green barrier stopped them before they could take a step forward, preventing them from approaching the couple.

Todoroki didn't notice.

Ivette didn't tell him.

They made their way to the Endeavor's agency building, flashing their ID badges to the security guards and heading to the large office on the top floor. Ivette kept her head down and her mouth shut. Her mind was working overtime, and Todoroki respected her enough to stay silent and allow her to work her own issues out. He'd help her if she asked. But she hadn't asked, and as much as it pained him, Todoroki, too, remained quiet.

"Ah, Shoto, Midoriya-san, welcome back," greeted Endeavor as they walked into his large wood-based office. A desk sat towards the back, a humongous chair situated behind it to give vacancy to Endeavor's thick ass.

Ivette tilted her head forward as a sign of recognition. Shoto did the same, staying beside his soulmate's side, his hand clasped around hers.

"We'll begin your training today," the hero informed them. "Come. I'll show you your room."

"Room? Only one?" Todoroki questioned as the duo followed after the flaming hero.

"Per your request," Endeavor grunted. Was he going to mention how he wanted Ivette to bond with his son the most so they could have powerful children to continue carrying his name? No. Of course not. Endeavor knew his son. One mention of marriage and kids would have the boy exploding into a petulant fit.

( as he should. he's not some breeding tool )

Endeavor unlocked one of the various dorms in his agency. They were normally used for those his sidekicksthat had a late shift and needed to rest, but they were also used for the seldom times he took in interns.

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