006 | nightmares and cuddles

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and men said that the
blood of the stars flowed in her veins

DINNER ENDED AFTER HALF AN HOUR OR SO, the kids forced to listen to their parents talk and talk and talk

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DINNER ENDED AFTER HALF AN HOUR OR SO, the kids forced to listen to their parents talk and talk and talk. When everyone had their fill of food, the parents dismissed them upstairs, though Ivette stayed to help clean up.

"Oh, you don't have to, sweetie," said Mitsuki, taking the stacked plates from Ivette's hands.

Ivette shrugged. "It's fine."

She helped clean up the table, handing the dirty dishes and utensils to her mother at the sink. When the conversation shared between the adults dulled, Ivette excused herself and made her way up to Bakugo's room. She easily recalled where it was, ascending the stairs and knocking on the first door on the right.

"It's open!"

Ivette pushed the door handle down, poking her head in. "I hope you don't mind if I join you guys," she said, surprising the boys. "The conversation downstairs got boring really quickly."

Kirishima grinned, shaking his head. "Not at all. Come on in!"

Ivette thanked them, stepping in and closing the door behind her, making her way between the boys, who were all sitting on the floor in front of Bakugo's television. Ivette plopped onto the bed, taking in the room. "It hasn't changed much," she mused, taking in every detail she could, noticing only one large poster of All Might in his bedroom remained. "Though, I see you've grown out of your All Might obsession."

Bakugo flushed when his two soulmates looked at him in surprise.

"You had an All Might obsession?"

Ivette snorted. "Who do you think started Izuku's?"

Kirishima broke out into an enormous fit of laughter while Todoroki chuckled softly. He couldn't blame him as he, too, had an obsession with All Might.

"I never thought you would have one, too!"

"Urusai!" he yelled, averting his gaze and covering the blush searing into his cheeks. Kirishima howled, poking his red cheeks. "I'll kill you!"

"As if, fanboy!"

"Fuck off!"




That shut Bakugo up, the blond crossing his arms over his chest and huffing. Kirishima and Todoroki laughed, the latter much quieter and softer. A warm feeling propagated through her body, nestling its way into her heart, and Ivette found herself adoring the shy blush on Bakugo's face.

She leant back on her arms, staring at the poster in his room. "I always wondered what was so great about the guy when we were little. He had saved many, yes, but that was what all heroes did. I'd remember asking myself: what was so special about the huge guy with the weird smile?"

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