005 | is change good? or bad?

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always the fool with the slowest heart

always the fool with the slowest heart

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IVETTE MIDORIYA changed. Her family could see it. Her soulmates could see it. Even her classmates and teacher could see it. There was something different about her. And it all happened after that incident at the mall.

The change wasn't noticeable at first glance. It was subtle, barely visible— a small wave in the ocean, a sudden displacement. Izuku watched his sister talk with their classmates. He was the first to notice the change. Ivette leaned back in her seat, a placid smile on her lips. She looked relaxed, at ease. The light didn't reach her eyes, but nobody seemed to notice. Nobody...but her other half. The boy who was born with her— as one then two.

The boy who would die for her.

Izuku was chatting away with his soulmate when something piqued his interest. Ivette's voice quieted, and her eyes were unfocused. Her gaze trailed to the side; she was looking out the window, daydreaming, perhaps.

He followed her gaze. Izuku wanted to know what had captured her attention, but there was nothing but a big blue sky. So, he returned his attention back to her and really took in her features. Ivette's eyes were darker than usual, with what seemed to be a layer of mist covering her irises. Her brows were pinched forward. Her lips were flat. The way Ivette sat back in her chair reminded him of some sort of predator. Or maybe that was just his nerves playing tricks on him again.

With a shake of his head, Izuku put on a smile and reengaged in the conversation he was sharing with his soulmate and best friend.

Izuku knew that his sister had been through hell lately, though it was hard to tell since she never opened up. His stomach dropped just thinking about the situation in the mall. Izuku wished there was something he could do. Something he could say. But he kept silent, ignoring his gut and trusting his sister.

What a poor decision, really.

The second to notice the change was, strangely enough, Aizawa. Class had begun, and while everyone else was scribbling down notes on today's topic, Ivette was sleeping idly at the back. Her arms were crossed over on her desk, chin resting upon her knuckles. Her head lolled slightly from side to side. The soft sunlight that trickled in through the window made Ivette look less like a hero and more like a child. Rightfully so, Aizawa mused.

Aizawa had heard about what happened in the mall, and he was also aware of Ivette's situation quirk-wise. Inko had asked to meet with him, and she explained everything that happened, hoping for some sort of guidance. Aizawa couldn't offer her anything but words. "Let it happen," he had told her. "There's nothing we can do if Ivette doesn't want our help. It's good she reached out to you, Midoriya-san. Just wait until she does it again. That's all you can do, I'm afraid. All any of us can do, really." 

Ivette shifted in her chair, moving into a better position. She looked up and noticed Aizawa staring at her with narrowed eyes. Ivette didn't think much of it. She blinked, her eyes flashed, and she then dropped her head into her arms, as if it was nothing out of the ordinary. Aizawa felt uncomfortable.

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