Chapter 9

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Kacey's pov:

*Skip to end of the day*

I walked to the Science room ready to 'tutor' Max.
"So we're doing the digestive system today," I said as I sat down opposite him.
"Can't we just forget it today?" He sighed as I shook my head.
"We have a test on Friday and I'll get in trouble if you don't pass."
"Why are you scared to get in trouble?"
"I'm not scared, just don't see the reason to get in trouble," I rolled my eyes at him.

*10 mins skip*

Max's pov:

"Why's there so much to learn?" I whined.
"Coz I'm totally gonna know," she rolled her eyes again, making me smile.
"Why are you smiling?" She asks.
"It's funny how I annoy you," I smirked.
"Ugh," she sighed and carried on talking, while I was thinking what to say to get out of learning science and have 'fun' with Kacey.
"Max?" She said. "Are you listening?"
"Yeah,totally," I wrote a few notes down.
"Let's finish a bit early today," I said to her. She looked at me like 'really!'
"Come on, we both hate this let's just go home."
"Okay," she gave in.

We were walking home when I asked her, "How about you come mine forra bit?"
She looked like she was thinking when she said, "Okay I guess."

When we got to mine, I led Kacey to my room and then once I shut the door, I turned to her and she asked me, "So what shall we do?" Even though she knew where this would go. "I have a pretty good idea," I  smirked then smashed my lips on hers, kissing her and her kissing me back. We pulled away, her smiling and then almost instantly kissing me: the kiss full of lust. We kissed for a little while, then I pulled her into my bed and we carried on. She then took my shirt off and I took her's off, and well it was like Friday night all over again.

Hi- hope y'all doing good.

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