Chapter 11

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Kacey's pov:

It was the end of the next day and I made my way to the science rooms to help Max with Biology. He wasn't there yet so I got my notes out and waited for him to come. A few minutes later, he got there and said, "How about we skip today's lesson, maybe can have some 'fun',"

"No chance badboy, just sit down,"

"Badboy?" He asked, his eyebrows raised. 

"You don't like that?" I smiled at him.

"I'll make an exception for you, beautiful,"

"Whatever, just sit down and let's get this over and done with,"

"Can't we just skip today?"



"No Max, we'll get in trouble,"

"Aww is my good-girl afraid to get in trouble," Max laughed.

"Yours?" I asked.

"I mean, if you want, beautiful,"

"Stop calling me that!"

"Stop calling you what, beautiful?"

"Ugh, for the tenth time, Max just sit down,"

"No can do, beautiful," He said and shut the classroom door.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You'll see, beautiful," He smirked, then grabbed my hand, pulling me up so I was stood just centimeters away from him. He leaned closer and whispered into my ear, "Now for some fun, beautiful," he smirked, then pressed his lips against mine, the kiss getting more aggressive by each second. He ran his tongue over my bottom lip, me letting him slip his tongue into my mouth. Kissing Max felt different, different than any other boy I'd kissed; with Max I could feel the sparks intensifying as the kiss grew longer. I soon pulled away realising we're still at school and he had a girlfriend,

"Max we're at school,"

"Then let's go,"

"You have a girlfriend, right?"

"Yes but how'd you know?"

"It's all everyone talks about, and I saw you two at the park yesterday,"

"Well she won't find out,"

"That still doesn't deny the fact you cheated,"

"Like I said it's okay unless she finds out,"

"What if I tell her?"

"But you won't,"

"But I will,"

"You won't,"


"She'll know it was with you and then you'll get hate,"

"And I care so much,"

"Just please don't,"

"I'll make an exception for you, Badboy,"

"Your badboy?"

"In your dreams,"

"What makes you think I dream about you?"

"You said it not me," I smirked at him, him winking at me in return.

"Let's go to mine," he said.

"No can do,"'

"Oh come one, I know you enjoyed yesterday, isn't that right, beautiful?"

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't but haven't you cheated enough,"

"But I know you had fun, good-girl,"

"I mean I'm not really busy today,"

"I'm so irresistible, I know,"

"Stop dreaming, Badboy," I laughed, him smirking at me once again. 

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