Chapter 13

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Kacey's pov:

I made my way to Harvey's place, ready to practice our scene of Romeo and Juliet. Me and Harvey had to do scene 4, I was grateful it wasn't a kissing scene. I knocked on the door and Harvey opened it and we made our way to his room ready to rehearse. We walked past Max's room and he was rehearsing his scene, he got paired with his girlfriend, not that I cared of course.

"Who's line is first?" Harvey asked. 

"I don't know," I shrugged my shoulders.

"I think it's my line first," he told me while I flicked through the book to find the scene we were doing. 

We started going through our lines when I got bored of our scene so when Harvey finished his line I started reading random lines from the book,

 "Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?" I said with empathy and carried on reading random lines,

"My love as deep; the more I give to thee" I read a few more lines when I realised how annoyed Harvey got. 

"What are you doing?" He looked really irritated. 

"You can't tell me you're actually taking this seriously,"

"Why not?"

"Because it's so boring," 

"I don't find it boring," He told me.

"Well you're not smiling," 

"I knew he'd be a bad influence on you," 



"Why'd you keep bringing Max into everything?" I snapped at him.

"I'm not," he folded his arms. 

"Yes you are, you keep talking about Max,"

"And, you don't want to talk about Max because....?"

"Because I don't," 

"Because you like him," he smirked.

"No I don't," I rolled my eyes at him.

"Then why do yo-,"

"I don't know! I told you I don't fucking know!" He didn't say anything and neither did I.

I decided to break the awkward silence and said, "Let's finish practicing this," I told Harvey, looking through the book. "Okay," he said and we went through our scene a few times. Once we learned our lines off by heart I told him, "I'm going now, bye," and left his room. I was going down the stairs when I felt someone grab me by the wrist, I turned around to see Max,

"Leaving so soon?" He smirked at me. 

"Let me go," I took my hand out of his grip only for him to grab it again.

"Max, stop it," 

"Come on, we'll have fun," he pulled me up with him and I couldn't resist. We entered his room and he locked it straight away. He turned around, pulled me closer to him so I could feel his warm breath on my face, and kissed me. This kiss felt different; kissing Max that day made me feel something I hadn't felt before. Maybe I..... No! I could not like Max, no it was impossible. I pulled away from the kiss, Max furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "Max, this is wrong," I told him and he laughed a little, causing me to blush. Oh god, I really do like Max!

"No, if anything this is right," Max smiled.

"No Max it's not, you have a girlfriend-"

"A girlfriend who doesn't know what I'm doing right now," he told me.

"But Ma-"

"But nothing," 

"Whatever, I'm going," I told him and walked out his room to see Harvey, uh oh.

"I thought you said you were going," he looked at me suspiciously.

"I am going," I told him and walked out of their house and went home. On the way home I kept reminding myself, "I cannot like Max, I cannot like Max, I cannot like Max," when I came home I went straight to my bedroom and fell on to my bed and sighed. I  cannot like Max. 

*The next day*

I decided that I wasn't going to school on Thursday, since I didn't want to see Max. I told my mum I wasn't feeling well and just laid in bed. During the school day I got a text from Harvey saying

Where are you, we have to perform the scene, she's making me do it on my own!?

Oh god, I'd forgotten about the Romeo and Juliet thing. Maybe I should I go to school, maybe I shouldn't. I chose not to and text Harvey saying

Sorry, I'm not feeling well, you'll have to do it on your own x

He replied saying

Romeo without Juliet I'll look stupid!

Like I said, I'm sorry 

I just scrolled through tiktoks on my for you page when I came across a user called 'maxandharveyofficial'. Max and Harvey have tiktok? They have 5million followers? Since when? They kept that very quiet? I was scrolling through some of their tiktoks when I got another text from Harvey

I thought you had tutor Max today?

I totally forgot about that. Maybe I should go to school, so I could ask them about their tiktok. I quickly got ready for school and told my mum I was feeling better, then left for school.

When I got to school I went to my English class and saw Harvey performing our scene on his own, the class bursting out with laughter. "Ah, Kacey, glad you could join us, Harvey was struggling performing both Romeo and Juliet." The teacher told me.

Once we'd finished, I sat down in my seat and Harvey said, "You don't seem ill to me," and I shrugged my shoulders. For the rest of the day I tried to avoid Max, Chelsea noticed something was 'wrong' and she asked me in our last class, "What's up?"

"Nothing," I told her and started thinking about why I like Max. 

When school finished I made my way to the science room and surprisingly Max was already there. When I saw him I didn't 'feel' anything, maybe I don't like him?

I was distracted whilst teaching him and he realised, "You're really quiet he said."


Little cliff hanger

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