Chapter 4

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Kacey's pov:


I had Science second and we got our test results back. I got full marks so I wasn't bothered at the lecture she was about to give the class until she said, "Max and Kacey," we looked at eachother,"I want to see you two at the end of class,"
"Okay," we both nodded. Why did she want to talk to me? What was it about?
At the end of class, me and Max stayed behind. "So, I've asked you to stay behind,"she spoke to me,"as Max did really bad on his biology test," I nodded and she continued,"and since you got full marks,I want you to tutor him."
"What?!" Me and Max spoke in unison.
"You've no choice anyway, you can stay behind on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, for about 30 minutes learning about cells and organs."
"Okay," we both rolled our eyes and then left the class. I walked over to Chelsea at break time and she asked,
"Where were you?"
"Miss kept me and Max behind,"
"I have to tutor him in biology starting today after school,"
"I know right,"
"Anyways did you ask your parents about the party on Friday?"
"Yeah,they said to be home by midnight,"
"So you're going?"

*skip to the end of the day*

I went to the Science class and saw Max already sat down, I sat opposite him and put some papers down. "Do we really have to do this?" He asked.
"Yeah," he rolled his eyes.
"Look, I don't want to be here as much as you so let's get this over and done with,"

"But I can't remember all that,"
"Let's try colour co-ordinating it," he nodded.
"So the cells are yellow, which make up the tissues,which are orange, then they make up organs which are red, the organs make up the organ systems ,which are pink, and they make up an organism, which we'll make purple,"
"So it goes yellow to orange to red to pink to purple?"
"Yes, exactly."
"So it's the cells, then tissues,then organs,then organ systems and finally an organism?"
"Yes that's right, we'll leave it there for today,"
"Okay, and are you coming to our party tomorrow?"
"Cool, see you there,"
"See you."

I like this chapter tbh, (i'm proof reading it now and this is just terible omfg!)

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