Chapter 18

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Kacey's pov:

It was Monday and we had a biology test in class, I hoped Max revised enough for me not to tutor him anymore.

When me and Harvey got to class, our test papers were in front of us and we had to start the exam as soon as we sat down. I looked around the classroom to not see Max.

"Harvey, where's Max?"

"He said he wasn't feeling good," probably to get of doing the test. 

The test wasn't even that hard, I'm pretty sure I got a high mark, although it did take the whole lesson hour for me to finish. A lot of people didn't finish it, Harvey being one of them.

"Ugh, there was so many questions, how did she expect us to finish the whole test in one hour," Harvey whined.

"I finished it," 

"Of course you did," 

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing," he smirked at me as we entered our next class.

Max didn't show up all day, maybe he really wasn't feeling well, I thought to myself. 

When it was the end of the day, me and Harvey walked home, 

"Do you want to come to mine?" I asked him.

"Won't your parents mind," 

"Mum won't mind,"

"Okay," we made our way to my house and when we came inside my mum asked me,

"So this is Harvey," 

"Yep," I told her, then asked her, "Is it alright if he he stays her forra bit?"

"Sure but no messing around,"

"Mum!" I gave her a death glare as Harvey  just laughed.

We went upto my room and he sat on my bed(not in that way!) while I apologised about my mum,

"Sorry about my mum," 

"It's fine she seems pretty cool," and he walked all around my bedroom looking at everything. He then found my guitar and he looked at me and asked, 

"You play the guitar?"

"Sometimes, I'm not an expert but I'm not that bad either,"

"Max plays the guitar," he told me.

"Yeah, I saw your tiktok," 

"You know?" he asked.


"You won't say anything to anyone right?"

"No, I won't, I promise," 

"Will you play something on your guitar so I can see you play," 

"Umm, sure," and I started strumming to a random song. Harvey must have known the song since he started singing whilst I played the song on the guitar. 

"You're so good," he complimented.

"You're really good at singing," I complimented him back.

"Do you play any instruments?" I asked him out of curiosity.

"I play the drums," 

"That's so cool," 

"We can go to mine and I'll show you," 

"Okay sure," and we left to go to Harvey's place. 

When we got there, he led the way to his cabin outside and sat down to play the drums. Once he started playing I was mesmerised at how focused and concentrated he was, I mean Harvey always got distracted and distracted others so it was a miracle to see him actually focused on something.

"Wow that's so good," I told him when he finished.

He started playing something else on the drums when Max walked in, 

"Harvey are yo-?" 

"Oh," he said saw me.

"What were you saying?" Harvey asked him.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter," Max said and walked out.

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