Chapter 10

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Kacey's pov:

I walked out of Max's house only to see Chelsea with some other friends. I hated how we weren't talking at the moment but I also hated how low she thought of Max: sure he could be 'unpleasant' at times but he wasn't bad at all. But I didn't want to lose my bestfriend so I walked upto her and asked her,

"Hey can we talk?"

"Sure," she replied, rolling her eyes at me: she wasn't going to make this easy.

We walked on in an awkward silence, until I decided to break it, 

"Look, I didn't mean to snap at you like that, it's just that I thought you hated me over something so small and I didn't want that and I don't want to lose my bestfriend." As soon as I'd finished speaking she hugged me and spoke in a whisper, "I'm sorry."  

"It wasn't you, it was me, I know I didn't listen to you but Max really does seem like a nice guy,"

"You sure?"

"Yes, I know he's labelled as the 'Badboy' but at the end of the day it's just a label, he can't force people to not say that about him."

"Yeah, but I don't want you getting hurt, I mean we both definitely know the amount of girls he's cheated on," we both laughed. 

"And there's one more thing I need to tell you,"

"Okay, tell me,"

"Just before I saw you now, I was at Max's and me and him...we...erm...we-"



"Just be careful, okay, you know how he-"

"-is with girls, yeah I know but it's not like were actually together,"

"Okay, you're not together so what are you?"

"Just friends,"

"Friends with benefits I see,"

"Haha, why don't you come to mine forra bit?"


*At Kacey's house*

"Do your parents know about you and Max?" Chelsea asked.



"One, they'd be so angry at it since Max and I aren't actually together and two, they hate Max after the car incident thing that time before school started,"

"Oh yeah, the time Max broke their car window,"

"Yeah, but it wasn't Max,"

"Not this again,"

"But it wasn't him, I know,"

"And how exactly may I ask?"

"Well I know he was the one next to the car but his friends were near enough too, and then one of his friends came late to school because 'he dropped a glass at home, and he tried clearing it up but the glass got stuck in his wrist' , also I saw the broken pieces of glass near the car and one of them had blood on it but Max definitely did not have blood on him at all."

"You know that was last year so if you talk about it now no-one will believe you,"

"I know," I sighed.

"Let's go to the park!" Chelsea suggested. 

"Okay sure," and we left to go to the park. 

When we got to the park we saw Max kissing another girl, "There goes your boyfriend," Chelsea pointed. "He's not my boyfriend," 

"But you do like him right?" 

"No, I don't,"

"But then why do you two...."

"I don't know,"

"I want an actual answer," 

"It feels right," I smiled at her.

"Because you like him,"

"No I don't," 

"Who likes who?"  Harvey spoke from behind us. 

"Harvey what the heck! You scared the life out of me!" He was still laughing and Chelsea said, "Harvey it's not that funny," 

"It is but anyways, you guys were saying you like,"

"No-one, no-one likes no-one,"

"Okay," Harvey said the continued, "So how's it like tutoring 'Badboy' over there?" Harvey asked me and in reply I sighed. "That bad huh?" He said. 

"But you said you and Max have a lot of fun," Chelsea smirked at me and I glared back at her.

Harvey, with a huge grin spread across his face, said, "You do you, anyways, I've got to go so see you tomorrow," 

"Bye," me and Chelsea said in unison.

"I've got to go too," I said, "Bye."


Pretty cool chapter I guess.

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