Chapter 22

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Kacey's pov:

I left Harvey's place in the morning, he was still asleep so I decided to go home. When I left Harvey's room, I saw Max walk out of his room, he looked at me and said, 

"You guys could've been quieter, last night," making my cheeks redden with embarrassment.

"Is he still asleep," Max asked me and I nodded. 

I was about to walk down the stairs and go when Max grabbed my wrist.

"Why are you going so soon?"

"Max, I've been here all night,"


"And I have to go," but he gripped my wrist even tighter.

"Why don't you stay with me for a bit?" he smirked.

"No, Max,"

"Why, not?"


"He won't know," 

"And that makes it even worse," 

"You did it before," 

"And it was a mistake, I shouldn't have spoken to you in the first place," he looked a little hurt.

"I'm sorry," he looked away from me and let go of me.

"But are you though?"

"Why don't you trust me?"

"Because you're you,"

"But, I want you to trust me,"

"Just leave it Max, one minute you want to get me in bed with you, the next you're being so nice, just stop it,"

"I... I'm sorry,"

"I don't believe you,"

"Why not though?" I told you everything about me, I trusted you and now you're saying you don't trust me,"

"Max, I..."

"You what?"

"I didn't mean it," 

"Why lie the?"


"Because what, just tell me?"

"I like you," I looked away.

"What?!" he looked pretty shocked.
"But, Harvey," he looked confused.

"I know,"

"So, do you like Harvey?"

"I didn't, but then I did but turns out I didn't actually like-like him, I think,"

"Oh, so you like me as in like-like?"


"Oh, are you going to break up with Harvey?"

"I guess, but I don't know how,"

"Just tell him, you don't like him anymore,"

"Of course you'd know how to break up with someone," 


"I mean it's true," I laughed.
"Anyways, I've got to go," 

"Okay, see you later," 

"See you."

I went home, and was thinking about how I was going to break up with Harvey. A couple hours later, he called me- oh fuck!


So um yeah, hi, this might finish on 30 chapters, yeah I'll try and finish this on 30 :)

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