Chapter 14

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Kacey's pov:

"You're really quiet," he noticed.

"And your problem is," 

"I was just asking," he grinned. I didn't feel anything whilst I was with him, maybe I didn't like him after all. 

"That's enough for today," I put my notes back in my bag and left the room, knowing Max was behind me.

"How about you come over to mine?" He asked. 



"Because I don't want to,"

"I mean to just hang,"

"No thanks," 

"Okay," "Are you okay?" 

"Yeah I'm fine, why do you care?"

"Why wouldn't I?" 

"Because you're you." 

"That was really nice," he said sarcastically.

"And you're the nicest person in the world?" 

"Why are you being like this?"

"Just leave me alone!" 

"No," "Tell me why you're being like this and then I will," 

"It doesn't matter,"

"Yes it does,"

"I'm just not feeling so good," 

"Like I'm going to believe that," 

"You wanted an answer and you've got one," I said to him and walked home, running up to my bedroom and falling onto my bed sighing. 

"I cannot like Max, I cannot like Max, I cannot like Max," I repeated to myself multiple times. I kept repeating this to myself until my phone rang.

"Hi Chels," 

"Hi, you said you were coming over ti mine today?" 

"Oh shit, I forgot, I'll come over now," 

"Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"You never forget anything, least of all going somewhere," 

"I'm just a bit tired," 

"But you never are, you make sure you get your 10 hours of sleep or whatever,"

"I'm just a bit tired that's all,"
"I'll be there in 10,"

Harvey's pov:

Max was a really bad influence on Kacey, she changed so much since she started talking to Max, he's my brother and all but he's not the best human and can get people into trouble. Kacey was my friend and I wanted to help her but to help her I'd have to become more than just her friend. I hoped my plan worked, I hated how Max changed her so much, I knew Max was just using her like every other girl he knew. 


What's Harvey going to do? Will it work? What will Max say?

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