Chapter 24

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It had been a week and I still didn't break up with Harvey, today was Monday and the first day back to school, I knew I had to break up with Harvey but I didn't know how to.

I walked to school with Harvey and was in every lesson of the day with Harvey, I was quiet and of course he noticed. I didn't tell him anything though and eventually, he stopped asking. He walked me home and I still didn't say anything to him. 

Ugh, I had to break up with him but how?

I was just writing in my diary, when I got a text from Harvey,

Hey, can you come over now? xx

I replied,

Sure xx

I wore one of hoodies and left to go to his. I came into the house and went up  to his room, I knocked on the door and walked in.

"Hey," he said looking up from his phone.

"Hey," I said and sat down next to him.



"I need to tell you something,"

"Okay, go on," well here goes nothing.

"I like you and all but I still like Max too and I don't want to be with you anymore," Real smooth, Kacey, real smooth.

 Oh, okay," 

"Harvey, I'm sorry," 

"It's okay, I get it," he sounded upset, I didn't want to hurt him, I hugged him, taking him by suprise and whispered in his ear, "I'm really sorry," he hugged me back and said, "It's okay," and then I left his room and walked out of the house.

I walked through the park, feeling a little guilty for making Harvey sad, when I saw Max kissing some other girl: oh.

After everything, I guess he's still the same asshole he always was.

I quickly walked away, and went home and cried into my pillow, not picking up any calls I received, which was suprising since I never really got any. 

Once I stopped crying, I checked my phone and saw missed calls off Max and Chelsea. Shit! Did Max see me, see him? 

There was a knock on my door, "Come in," I said and Chelsea came in to my room.

"Hey, you okay?" 

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Don't lie to me, Max told me everything,"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you anything,"

"It's okay," she hugged me and I started crying again and told her everything.

"Max, that dickhead," she was pretty mad at him.

"Why do you like him?" She asked me. "He's a heartless, fuck- boy,"

"That's what everyone thinks but I've seen him, the real him, he's just heartbroken and such a softie," I told her.

"That doesn't sound like Max," she shook her head.

"And that's what he wants everyone to think," I said, making her go quiet.

"Max is really mad at what he did,"

"Whatever," I told her.

"Look, you can bring out his good side, the real him," "You've just got to trust him,"



Um hi :)

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