Chapter 3

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Kacey's pov:

The next day I found out Max and Harvey were both in my Computing and History class. I was sat inbetween them and mostly talked to Harvey.

Same as the day before, we had Science last and we had a test. Near the end of class, Max spoke to me,
"Kacey right?"
"Yeah,what do you want?"
"Me and Harvey are having a party on Friday and yeah, Harvey said to invite you,"
"So are you gonna be there,"
"I dunno, probably," then the bell rang at the end of the day and we all left school.
On the way home from school I told Chelsea about the party and she said Harvey also invited her.
"Isn't it wierd though?"
"What's weird?"
"The fact that Max said Harvey wanted me to come but Max invited me when I had lessons with Harvey and then he invited you,"
"Maybe Harvey forgot and told Max to ask you,"
"Maybe," but I felt like there was more to it than that.

During the rest of Tuesday I was still distracted and Chelsea realised,"Are you still thinking about Max?"
"No," I said too quickly.
"You are, don't tell me you like him,"
"I don't, I swear, why would I like him?"
"Okay, he's an idiot anyway so stay away from him,"
"I don't like him," I rolled my eyes.

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