Chapter 23

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Harvey's pov:

I woke up to see Kacey had left. I decided to call her, it was good few seconds before she answered the call.

"Hi," it sounded like she had been crying.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine,"

"It sounds like you've been crying,"

"No, I'm not crying," she told me but I knew she was lying.

"I know you are, what's up?"


"You can tell me, you know,"

"It's nothing I'm fine,"

"Kace-" She ended the call. Something was wrong and she wasn't telling me.

I walked out of my room and saw Max walk out of his, 

"Hey, have you spoken to Kacey" Max asked me.


"Oh, what did she say to you?"

"Nothing, she was crying but didn't tell me why," 

"Oh," Max said and walked away. I got changed and had breakfast and made my way to Kacey's house.

I knocked on her house door, to get no answer so I walked in to the house and went upstairs to her room. I knocked on her door and heard a quiet "come in".

"Hey, you okay?" I asked her as I walked in to the room, to see her writing in a book- her diary?

"Yeah, I'm fine," 

"Are you sure?" I sat down next to her as she shut the book.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she repeated.

"What do you want to do, today?"

"I don't know, I'm feeling a little bit ill," 

"I'll stay with you her, then," 

"No, it's fine, you don't have to,"

"But I want to,"

"Oh, okay," She replied and laid in bed, patting her bed for me to lay next to her. 


I promise the next chapter will be good, also I published a new book called 'rain' :)

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