Chapter 21

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Kacey's pov:

It'd been one week and Max went to school but avoided me and we didn't do our after school tutoring anymore. Me and Harvey were doing really good, we were happy but at the back of my head, there was still Max.

It was the first day of the holidays and I made my way to Harvey's place, I went up to his room and saw him lying in bed on his phone.

"Hey," he said when he looked at me. 

"Hey," I replied and sat down next to him as he sat up. 

"What shall we do today?" He asked me.

"I don't know," I told him.

"So indecisive," he laughed and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I know, let's go to the cinema, that new movie's out today,"

"Okay, sure,"

We went to the cinema and watched the new movie, that came out, I held Harvey's hand since it was really scary, squeezing it when it got really scary, making him laugh a little.

Once the movie finished we left the building and I saw Max with this other girl, I felt something...something bad, jealous. No, I thought to myself, I can't still like Max, no, I'm with Harvey, I shouldn't be thinking about anyone else.

Harvey noticed something wasn't right when we went back to his, since I was really quiet,  

"Are you okay?" He asked me, looking a little worried.

"Yyy..yeah I'm fine," 

"Are you sure?" I nodded my head. We went up to his room and I sat down on his bed, while he was practicing different songs on his keyboard, he's so talented I thought to myself. 

He caught me staring at him and smirked and said, "Staring won't give you the powers to take of my clothes," I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him, making him laugh.

He walked over and sat next to me and asked me,

"Are you okay, like really, are you okay?"

"Harvey, I'm fine," 

"Promise me," He looked at me.

"I promise, I'm fine,"

"Okay, it's just you've been acting a little different today,"

"Just a bit tired," I lied.

"So..." I said.

"So...?" Harvey had a smile on his face.

We started leaning in, and I felt his lips upon mine, and I kissed him back the way he was kissing me, he let me slip my tongue into his mouth and we carried on like that, for about 5 minutes, when I started kissing his neck, leaving marks, listening to Harvey's soft moans, when he turned me over and was now on top of me, and with a smirk on his face he started kissing my neck, I knew he was leaving lots of hickeys down my neck.

He eventually, took off my shirt, along with my bra, and I took his hoodie off, he started kissing my chest moving down to my stomach, taking off my leggings, along with my underwear, and I turned him, so I was now on top of him again and I started leaving hickeys all over his chest, when he put one of his fingers into my hole, getting me more and more wet while some quiet moans escaped my lips, and you know how the rest goes....


I was going to make this like full-on smut but like idk it wasn't the best writing so I just left it here :)

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