Chapter 17

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Kacey's pov: 

I wore a sparkly red dress with silver heels, silver sparkly earings and a red flower hair pin in my hair which I put in loose waves

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I wore a sparkly red dress with silver heels, silver sparkly earings and a red flower hair pin in my hair which I put in loose waves. I waited for Harvey and when he knocked on my door my mum opened it, oh god!

"Harvey's here!"

"I'm coming," I told my mum and went downstairs. I saw Harvey wearing navy blue jeans and a black shirt with a gold chain round his neck. If I'm being hinest, he looked pretty hot. I didn't realise I was staring until Harvey said.

"Take a picture it lasts longer," with a smirk across his face.

"I wasn't staring, shut up," I rolled my eyes at him.

He entwined his fingers with mine and we went to Ethan's party. 

Once we got to the party, I instantly smelt the alcohol and heard loud music in my ears. Harvey noticed my dislike and whispered in my ear, 

"It won't be that bad, come one let's dance," he then grabbed me through the crowd of youngsters and we started dancing. He was pretty good at dancing. 

"I'm just going to get us drinks," Harvey told me and went away. I turned around to see Max.  

"Hi, beautiful," he said.

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes at him. He was wearing black jeans and a black top, machted with a black cap he had on backwards. 

I tried to walk away but he grabbed my wrist,

"Let's have some fun," He whispered into my ears.

"I have a boyfriend," I pointed out and he laughed.

"Having a girlfriend never stopped me," 

"Well, news-flash, I'm not you," "Where is your girlfriend anyways?"

"I dumped her,"

"Okay, just leave me alone," I tried to get out of hid grip but he had his hand tight around my wrist.

"No, I want to have fun with you," 

"And do your tiktok followers know that," he stopped and was taken back by what I said.

"You know?" 

"Yeah, so just leave me alone," I repeated and went to find Harvey; I saw him drinking and getting more drunk than he already was.

"Hey," he slurred.

"Harvey how much have you drank?"

"Just a little bit," 

"Okay then," I said and he walked away from me once again.

I was making my way through the herd of people when I felt a familiar hand grab my wrist, I turned around to see Max, "Leaving so soon, beautiful?" He smirked.

"Yeah, I'm going,"

"Why don't you stay for a little while longer,"  he suggested and took me upstairs and into a room. 

"Max, I-" but he cut me off by smashing his lips upon mine, and I kissed him back. As the kiss got more intense Max started unzipping my dress: I let him. He took my dress off and I took of his shirt: he let me. He pushed me onto the bed and unzipped his jeans and let me take them off for him, we didn't break from the kiss. And we did it again just like all them other nights.

Once we'd had our 'fun' we laid next to each other and the realisation hit me: I cheated on Harvey, what have I done? 



"I cheated," I stated the obvious and started crying.

"It's not that bad," he put his hand on mine.

"No, it's really bad! Max, it's so fucking bad! I'm not like you! I made a massive mistake! Harvey doesn't deserve this! Max we can't carry whatever this is on anymore!" I put my dress back on and made my way out of the house to be grabbed by someone.

"Max, I told you to-" I saw Harvey.

"Oh Harvey," 



"You guys did it again," 

"Harvey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I just..." I broke down in tears and he put a protective arm around me. 

"Hey, it's okay,"

"No, Harvey, it's not," 

"It is, honestly," 

"I promise I won't cheat ever again," 

"Don't promise if you might break it," 

"I won't I promise," 

"Okay, I'll take you home," and we walked home hand in hand.


Okay then......

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