Chapter 6

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Kacey's pov:

"You and Max?!" Chelsea questioned.
"And you didn't tell me then?!"
"Well I couldn't see you anywhere,"
"You could've text me,"
"I forgot, anyways I had to go home,"
"Oh yeah, what time did you get home?"
"What did your mum say?"
"She said that I should've text her, but it's ok,"
"Right, so do you like Max?"
"No," I was being honest.
"But you said,"
"Yeah, but it didn't mean anything,"
"How the fuck could it not mean anything?!"
"1, I don't like Max, never have and never will, 2, you know it's what Max does,"
"Then why did you-"
"I don't know," I cut her off.
"Okay but, I still don't believe it like you wouldn't, couldn't do something like that,"
"I really don't know,"
"Just stay away from him,"
"But I have to help him with Science after school,"
"Well apart from that, stay away from him,"
"Okay," she looked at me in disbelief.
"I'll stay away from him, honestly."

We spent the rest of the day watching Netflix until we we're both tired and decided to go bed. It was about 1am when I got a call from an unknown number:

"Hi, it's Max,"
"Yeah, Max Harvey's twin,"
"Oh,how'd you get my number?"
"You gave it me, don't you remember?"
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that," Why'd I give him my number.
"Anyways why'd you call?"
"Just to talk,"
"Yeah, can't I talk to you?"
"Well I'm actually busy right now,"
"At this time?"
"Yeah,what's your problem?"
"Nothing, it's weird how you'd be busy in the middle of the night,"
"Okay then bye."

"Who was that?" Chelsea asked.
"Max? How'd he get your number?"
"I gave it him,"
"You gave him your number!"
"Yeah, did I not say?"
"He asked,"
"You're really stupid, you know,"
"Coming from you?"
"You know I'd never do what you did,"
"Do I tho?"
"Just don't talk to Max,"
"I won't."

Quick filler chapter might post another chapter later on x

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