Chapter 7

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Kacey's pov:

It was Sunday and me and Chelsea decided to go shopping, it was around about 1pm during the day and it was quiet at the mall. A few hours later we saw Max and Harvey with some friends, I really didn't want to talk to Max but as Harvey was there he obviously came over and said, "Hi guys,"

"Hi," Chelsea and I replied. Max was just staring at the ground which was pretty unusual for him.

"These are our friends Tom, Dobby and Dylan,"

"Hi," all three of them spoke in unison.

"Hi, I'm Kacey," I said, "and this is Chelsea." Max was still looking down which confused me.

They walked away and we decided to go home. "Well that was awkward," Chelsea told me.

"Yeah," I responded.

"You'd think Max would want to talk to you but he was quiet,"

"Why would he want to talk to me?"

"About Friday,"

"You still won't leave that alone, will you?"


*Later on in the evening*

I got a phone call from Max:

"What do you want?"
"Can't I just talk to you?"
"Because, I don't want to talk to you,"
"Why not?"
"Because I have nothing to say to you,"
"Okay, maybe talk later?"
I thought I was a bit too harsh on him, I mean what harm would talking to him do?


Max was calling me again:

"Hi, is it okay to talk to you?"
"Sure, how are you?"
"I'm good, you?"
"I'm good, dreading tomorrow,"
"It's Monday,"
"Oh yeah,I forgot about that,"
"We've got Science tomorrow,"
"Don't remind me Kacey,"
"Haha, anyways Imma go to sleep now, see you tomorrow,"
"See you."
Maybe I'd misunderstood Max; maybe under all that badboy act he was just a friendly someone trying to make friends and fit in. I'd never knew,knew Max but apparently he wasn't like how is now in the past, Harvey said he used to be a laugh and really fun to be around, but then things 'changed'. I wondered what he meant by 'changed' but I didn't ask him. I hoped I'd get to know Max alot more and maybe be good friends with him.

Be good 'friends'(with benefits) lmaoooooo

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