Chapter 21

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The silverware screeched as it dragged across the plate's surface. (y/n) pushed the peas around her plate. She watched as they rolled into each other.

Hannibal stared at the plain expression on her face. "Are you going to eat?"

"I'm not hungry." She put down her fork and pushed her chair out. (y/n) carried her full plate to the garbage. The food made a wet sloshing sound when it fell to the bottom of the trash can.

Hannibal gently took the dish from her. "Let me." He placed it in the sink. "You seem upset. What's wrong?"

"I'm just bored. Ever since I quit my job after the accident and pregnancy I feel as though I'm rotting away in this house." That was half the truth. She couldn't tell him she missed Will and still wants to visit him even after Hannibal forbid her. Or that she still finds Hannibal's late night excursion bizarre and doesn't entirely believe his excuse.

"Soon you'll give birth and have plenty to do." He rubbed her stomach. "Tomorrow we can go on a walk."

(y/n) pushed a smile and nodded.

That night she couldn't fall asleep. She turned to make sure Hannibal was still asleep as she crept out of bed. The clock read 11:00 at night.

The thought of Will lingered in her head along with guilt. He tried to kill her husband yet she still wanted to contact him.

(y/n) didn't exactly know why Will occupied her thoughts. She just knew that Hannibal's odd behavior triggered an itch that Will may be able to scratch.

She picked up the landline and dialed the number to the prison Will was staying at. She knew no one would pick up this late but she still tried. The dial rung till it died. The answering machine told her to leave the name of the prisoner she was trying to contact. She hesitated, but did.

(y/n) knew she was just being paranoid. Obsessing over small things just because she had nothing better to do. She glided a hand through her hair and went back to bed.

The next day Hannibal left for work. When (y/n) was laying on the couch watching television she heard the home phone ring.

She pick it up and froze at what she heard.

"You are receiving a call from an inmate at the Virginia State Correctional center. Do you accept this call?"

"U-uh y-yes."

"(y/n)?" Will asked.

"How'd you know it was me?" She dryly chuckled.

"You are the only one I would expect to call me."

"What about Alana?"

"She only visits once in a while."

"Oh." It went quite. She never thought out what she would say to him. Should she apologize for not calling him since he was locked up? Or is he the one that should apologize for trying to kill her husband?

"Why'd you call?" He asked. He sounded tired.

"I-I was just checking in to say hi."

"No you aren't. Why did you really call?" Will could read anyone like an open book.

"It's Hannibal..."

"What happened?" He raised his voice and pushed the phone closer to his ear.

"Nothing." She tangled the phone cord around her finger. "He's been acting odd lately." (y/n) surveyed the room to make sure Hannibal wasn't here. He was miles away but she was still terrified that he might hear her. "You knew things about Hannibal. Maybe you can tell me what you know." She bit her lip and tighten her grip on the phone.

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