Chapter 13

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After I spoke with Miriam I was almost positive that Fredrick Chilton is the Ripper.

After I got home from work the next day, I checked the clock, 5:00pm. Hannibal should be home in three hours. He said he would be working late tonight. Meaning I'll have enough time to visit the Baltimore State Hospital. I need to confirm my suspicions.

I sat in the parking lot of the hospital. I took a deep breath in and out as I prepared myself to go inside. I'll be face to face with evil.

My shoe made contact with the concrete when I stepped out of my car. I could feel the gun pushing against my hip through my purse. I snuck it out of Hannibal's closet.

I don't want to kill Dr.Chilton, I don't even know if I can kill him. But I needed something to protect myself with, just incase.

I'm here because I need proof to bring to the police. Any kind of proof. If I'm lucky, Dr. Chilton will slip up and reveal something, anything, that can incriminate him. But I could slip up too. If he gets any whiff that I'm on to him then he will kill me. My hands grew slick with sweat. I felt my breathing intensify. I was losing control. Instant panic and dread filled my body. I quickly grabbed the pill bottle in my purse and chugged down water along with a pill. I leaned against my car as I collected myself. I'll be alright, he doesn't know that I know.

I dusted off my clothes and fixed my hair. I walked up the stone steps to the heavy wooden door. It opened to a lobby with a man sitting behind a desk and guards standing in some of the branching hallways.

"I'm sorry ma'am, visiting hours are over." He returned his gaze to the paperwork on his desk.

"Actually I'm here to see Dr. Chilton."

He looked up. "Do you have an appointment?"

"No." I paused "But I'm good friends with Fredrick. Can you please let him know I'm here."

The man made a phone call as I waited. The building was painted a very bland grey.

"Ms. (y/n), what a lovely surprise!" Dr. Chilton smiled as he walked my way with his cane clanking on the wooden floor. "Come, Come to my office." He led the way.

"It's quite the surprise to see you here. May I ask what brought on this visit?" He shut the door to his office and sat behind his desk. There was a large book case along the wall. Dust was collected on the books.

"I wanted to talk about the Ripper case. I was hoping you might have some insights." When I sat down I placed my purse on my lap. "I don't know if you know this but the Ripper came to my house that's why I'm currently living with Hannibal."

"Yes I heard. What a terrible thing I am so sorry. You must be very scared." He reach over his desk to hold my hand. I resisted the urge to pull away.

"Yes. Now that the only suspect was cleared-"

"-Will Graham." Dr. Chilton interrupted.

"Um, yes." I carried on "Now that Will is cleared that means the Ripper is still out there and the police aren't doing anything about it." He rubbed my hand with his thumb. "So I'm doing my own investigating."

"Be care, you might wrap yourself in danger." He smiled.

I forced a chuckle. "I was wonder if you have any clue who the Ripper might be. Maybe Will said something?"

He let go of my hand and I eagerly brought it back to my side.

"Now that I think about it, Will did say he suspected Hannibal as the Ripper."

"What exactly did he said?" I implored.

"I can't quite remember it all but I don't think Mr. Graham is too far from the truth."

"What do you mean?"

"Well Dr.Lecter has always been" He paused "Odd."

It was obvious he was pushing the narrative that Hannibal is a murderer. He didn't truly believe that but he wanted me too.

"If you ever need a place to stay I'll be more than happy to take you in." He smiled as he stared at me.

"I'll remember that." I faked a smiled. I then heard a notification on my phone. I looked in my purse. It was Alana checking in on how my day has been. "Sorry that was just Alana Bloom." I apologized as I texted her back.

"Oh you know Dr. Bloom?"

"Yes, we are very close." I said hesitantly. Why was he asking?

"I remembering seeing Alana at a charity banquet two months ago. She was with a beautiful woman, she wore a black dress." He paused "Was that you?" He asked but I could tell he already knew the answer.

"Oh, yes. Alana invited me." I froze. He knew me already?

"I thought so. I regret not introducing myself then. I must say you looked gorgeous then and now."

Dr.Chilton knew me before the Ripper incident. It's him. It has to be him.

Dr. Chilton leaned over his desk. "There's another banquet later this month would you care to join me?" He smiled.

"No thank you." I scratched the back of my neck. I stood up. "Well, I better get going soon." I tasted blood as I bit my cheek. It's really him. He's the Ripper. I turned around aiming for the door but his hand fell on my shoulder.

"Let me drive you home."

"S-sorry I already drove myself here." I tried to get away but his hand didn't leave my body.

"Maybe I can take you for coffee tomorrow?"

"No thank you." I was horrified did he know? Was he about to kill me?

"Here's my card. We can get coffee on Monday."

"Ok." I accepted his business card in hopes he'll back down.

"Let me walk you out." He stood by the door

"No it's ok." I gripped my purse tightly ready to reach for Hannibal's gun if needed.

"No, I insist." He chaperoned the walk from his office to the entrance of the building.

"T-thank you Doctor." I kept my head down.

"Please, call me Fredrick. Also remember to call." His hand lingered on my back for too long. I nodded and hurried to my car. I sped out of that parking lot. When I was far from Dr. Chilton I pulled to the shoulder on the highway. I tore up his card and threw it on the floor as I sniffled. I scratched all the places he touched on my body.

I placed my head in my hands. The Ripper stalked me to know what route I took to work and where I live. He can't just be a stranger he has to have had some kind of contact with me before he did what he did to me. That fact caused me to doubt Fredrick as the Ripper but today that disappeared. He admitted to knowing me two months before the Ripper incident. That was two months of stalking and planning what he would do to me.

I felt sick I sat across a murderer.


Next update on Sunday.

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