Chapter 4

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I yawned as my hands gripped the steering wheel. I picked up the cup of coffee that was sitting in the cup holder. I carried it to my lips. I enjoyed my job. I love children and I love taking care of them but the downside is walking up at an ungodly hour to get ready. The sky still had traces of night.

    What would make my morning commute a little more bearable was the scenery and quietness the empty road brought. Almost no one takes this route this early in the morning. That's why I liked driving this way so much.

    My dangling earrings swayed as I drove. I spotted a car pulled to the shoulder of the road. It looked like something strange was on top of the hood. Does someone need help? I pulled to the side to see what was wrong. I stepped out of the car and my poke-a-dot dress swished in the wind along with my hair. I pushed the hair behind my ear and stepped closer to the car.

    When I got a little closer the thing on the car started to look like a person. I didn't believe what I was seeing. I got closer. That's when I saw everything.

    Antlers ripping through a man's chest. His intestines were spilling out as he was tied to the car. His eyelids were cut off, instating a permanent expression of fear. chunks of flesh and blood oozing off of the car on the pavement. With a knife jammed into the windshield.

    I hunched over and retched. The vomit stuck to the road. Saliva and vomit were smeared around my mouth. I balled up the fabric over my heart. My chest started constricting. It felt like someone was pushing down on my ribcage. my internal organs were balloons over inflating about to pop any second. I collapsed to the floor. The cement sunk into my knees. I was hyperventilating. It felt like my lungs burst and the oxygen I swallowed spilled out of my lungs. No matter how many breaths I took in I was still drowning.

    I need to stand up. Stand up! My legs wobbled as I did so. My chest continued to constrict. I stumbled to my car. My trembling hands searched for my pills. I grabbed the bottle and fumbled with the cap. When I finally got it opened, my hands were shaking so much I spilt them all over the car floor.

    "Fuck!" I shakily screamed. My hand darted to my bag and snatched my phone. I called Alana.

    "(y/n), what's up?"

    "A-A-Alana...Hel-pp." I gasped out.

    "Where are you?" Her tone instantly changing to concern.

    "Ba-Back r-road off o-of c-copper s-s-street."

    "I'll be there in five minutes."



    "D-dead d-dead body." I started to cry It felt like I was dying.


    "T-there's a d-dead body."

    "Stay in your car! I'm coming over right now!" She hung up the phone.

    I put my feet on the car seat, my head in my knees, and my arms hugged my chest. I started wailing. My whole body trembled and shook. I couldn't breathe. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to die.

"(y/n)! (y/n)!" my head was pulled up and a pill was shoved in my mouth.

    "You need to swallow." My head was tilted back and water was poured into my mouth. I swallowed.

    "(y/n), you need to breathe with me. Ok?"

    I stayed quite.

    "I need you to nod."

    I nodded.

    "In, 1 2 3. Out, 1 2 3." I followed along. This went on for a little bit and then I eventually opened my eyes and looked up at Alana holding my hands and soothing me.

    I looked around and saw police officers and FBI agents everywhere. My eyes landed on the dead man. Alana shifted, blocking my gaze.

    Alana called my work place explaining I had a medical emergency and I won't be able to come in today. Lucky there was an extra staff member on hand to cover for me. Alana insisted on driving me home.

    We got to the front door. I fumbled with me keys. I saw Alana moving closer to help. "I got it!" I snapped. I realized what I did and apologized. When I got to my bedroom I flopped on the bed and groaned. I'm such a burden.

    I felt the shift of the bed as Alana sat down.

    "I don't want you here alone."

    "It's ok, I'm fine."

    She ignored me. "I have to go to work so I'm sending Hannibal over."

    "I really don't need a babysitter."

    "it'll make me feel better if you had someone here with you."

    I didn't respond.

    "He'll be here in five minutes" She said and checked her phone. "I'll stop by tonight." She stood up. "Bye."

    "Bye" I turned to the side and rested my head on the pillow. She left.

A couple minutes later I heard the front door open then close accompanied by heavy footsteps getting louder. I sat up and looked over to see Hannibal standing at the foot of my bed.

"Alana told me what happened." He sat down on the edge of my bed.

"Sorry you have to see me like this." I sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"Not only do I look like a mess I am one." I dry chuckled.

"Nonsense. You're just as beautiful if not more compared to last night." His gaze softened.

"Thanks" I whispered and rested my head on the pillow. The morning's events still weighed heavy on me.

"Would you like to talk about what happened?" He readjusted his posture.

"Not really." I looked up at him as my hair spilled over the pillow.

"Alana suggested that you come for sessions with me."

"Therapy sessions?"


I sat up, "I don't need it."

"Last night you said 'it's maddening to bottle everything inside'."

"I'm not bottling everything inside, I have Alana."

"Alana can't always be there for you. She has her own conflicts she must deal with."

I frowned. "I know." my anxiety engulfs Alana. I know she feels obligated to take care of me. I hate that.

"It doesn't have to be a formal therapy session. We can talk about anything or everything. I just insist we meet twice a week to monitor your anxiety.

I nodded. The conversation ended and silence fell over the room. sleep weighed heavy on my eyelids. I yawned and fell back onto the bed. I snuggled deeper into the covers. My arms wrapped around the pillow as I slept.


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