Chapter 8

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I woke up to the touch of something on my back. I groggily opened my eyes and saw Alana sitting next to me with her soothing hand on my back. She would do that when something was wrong.

"Hey. How did you sleep?" Her lips pressed tightly together as she smiled.

I yawned "I slept ok." I rubbed my eyes. "Why did you come here?" I asked.

"I came to check on you. I heard what happened yesterday." She gave a sympathetic smile.

"It's ok. I'm fine now." I said.

"You should be because we caught the Ripper." She didn't seem too relieved.

I shot out of bed. "What?! Who?!"

Alana looked down at her hands. "It's Will."

I froze in disbelief. "No that's not possible. It's not him."

"(y/n), He was covered in blood and had souvenirs from all the other Ripper victims. We found him this morning. Hannibal is at the Chesapeake Hospital for the Criminally Insane with him right now."

"It's not him." I slowly raised my head. "I don't know how to explain it but it's not him. I just know." I looked at her with wide eyes.

Alana held my shoulders to calm me down. "I know everything must be so confusing right now with all that happened. I don't want to believe it either but it's Will. They found hair, teeth, and skin from all the other Ripper victims in his house." She pulled me into her chest and wrapped her arms around me. "You're safe now."

I didn't know what to feel. I should be relieved but for some reason I wasn't.

"Hannibal suggested for you to stay here. Just for a little while longer. I thought it was a good idea."

"But I thought I was only suppose to be here until the Ripper was caught?"

"Hannibal is a great doctor and constant access to his help can really manage your anxiety disorder."

"I can manage my problems just fine."

"(y/n), in the past 3 days you had at least 5 panic attacks. That's not managing. Plus coming across that crime scene... you need to process it. Here with Hannibal is a safe place to do so. Please just stay for a couple of days. We can see how you feel then."

"Alana, you can't force me to stay."

"you're right, I can't. But I'm asking you to stay because I love you and hate to see you like this." She peeled open my fists to reveal my palms. There were nail marks from constantly squeezing my hands when I got nervous.

"I'm asking because the next step is involuntarily admitting you in a psych hospital. I know how this goes (y/n). If you don't get help now than you'll end up hurting yourself or someone else."

I bit the inside of my cheek and squeezed my fists. It felt like a lump of coal was inside my throat. It hurt to talk. "Fine. I'll stay" I looked away from her. How could she say she'll make me go to a psych ward? I felt betrayal. I walked into the bathroom.

"Thank you." I heard her voice fade as the bathroom door snapped shut.

Alana left to talk to Will and Hannibal returned to the house. He further explained the situation to me.

"Will is very sick" He held my hand as we sat on the couch. "He's a criminal profiler, he must think like a killer. It's no surprise he became one."

"But I've known Will for a very long time. I don't think it's him."

"Abigail Hobbs' blood was found all over Will, He also ingested her ear."

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