Chapter 6

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I took a different road to and from work today. Thinking it would make me feel less anxious, but my hands still shook when I drove.

    After feeding, changing, and playing with children all day I was exhausted. I sat in my car and closed my eyes and practiced my breathing.

    Ring Ring Ring

    I snapped my eyes open and scrambled to pick up my phone.

    "Hi" I answered when adjusting the phone against my ear.

    "(y/n), hi. How are you doing?"

    "Oh, hi Will. I'm doing ok. Why'd you call?" I pinched my thigh hoping it was not related to that gruesome murder.

    "I have some questions about the crime scene and how you found it."

    "What do you mean? You were there and the police took pictures. Why would you need my help?" I bit my lip nervously.

    "There's just some stuff I want you to confirm." Will casually said.

    "Oh. ok." I hesitated.

    "Ok great I'll be over at your house in 30 minutes, Hannibal is coming to."

    "Wait Will-" He hung up before I could finish. I sighed and took my time driving home.

    Hannibal and Will were waiting for me at my doorstep.

    "Sorry to bother you (y/n)" Hannibal offered his hand to guid me to the door.

    "It's ok" I told him.  I unlocked the door and walked to the kitchen to put my purse on the counter.

"Would you both like something to drink?" I asked trying to be a good host but when really I just wanted to kick them out and go to bed.

    "I'll have whatever kind of tea you recommend" Hannibal said.

    "I'll have a coffee please." Will said while setting up pictures on the kitchen table.

    While I was making their drinks, Will threw a line, "How was work?"

    It was obviously futile small talk but I miss futile small talk. Now it's just been Hey how are you feeling after seeing a dead body? I just crave normalcy.

    "It was chaotic but good." I smile as I pour hot water into a mug.

    "Why chaotic?" Hannibal let a small smile show.

    "Well if you just turn around for a second you'll come back to toddlers with paint all over their faces, that's on a good day." I giggled.

    "Your passion for taking care of children is admirable." Hannibal's stiff posture always seems to soften when he speaks to me.

    I handed both of them their drinks. "Well I always wanted children of my own." I said as I looked at Hannibal.

    Will bluntly broke up the conversation, "(y/n), can you please take a look at these pictures." He motioned to the kitchen table.

    I bit my lip and squeezed my hands. "Do I have to?" I broke eye contact.

    "It would be very helpful if you did." Will pushed a sympathetic smile.

    "It'll be ok, I'll be here if you need me." Hannibal softly said.

    I nodded and walked closer to the table. Displayed across the table was up close shots of the car, blood splatters, and the dead man. His foggy eyes stared into the camera lens. I flinched and turned away. Hannibal gently touched my arm. I turned back towards the images.

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