Chapter 11

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I was relieved to find out for sure that Will isn't the Ripper. But that comfort came with fear. The real ripper is still out there. The thought was pounding inside my head for the last few days, ever since I saw Will.

They already set his court date. They're going to prosecute an innocent man.

"What is going on in that head of yours?" Hannibal asked, readjusting his position next to me on the couch.

"Just thinking about Will." I sighed. Hannibal tensed up. I think he's worried for Will too.

"The only thing we can do for him now is to show him support." He looked up from his book to glance at me.

I just nodded. I was about to bite my cheek but Hannibal stopped me.

"Don't bite your cheek."He said without lifting his eyes from his book.

I lightly smiled, "You know me too well."

"That's seems to happen after a week of living together." He smiled.

"I feel like you know everything about me but I barely know anything about you." I gazed at Hannibal.

"Well, what would you like to know?" He raised an eyebrow.

"You cook all the time but what's your favorite dish?" I propped my body facing directly at him.

He thought for a moment, "Bœuf bourguignon." Hannibal placed his book down in preparation for the next question.

"What exactly is that?" I chuckled.

He dumbed down the name, "beef stewed in red wine" He smiled.

"You need to teach me how to make that one day." My hands rested on my ankles as I sat with my legs crossed. It took me a second to come up with my next question. "What was your best childhood memory?"

He took awhile to answer. "I don't remember much from back then but I do remember taking my sister to the neighbor's to play on the swings." He paused "She loved being high in the air, being taller than life itself." He stared at the floor smiling as he told the story.

I smiled as well and rubbed his arm. "I really wish I could've met her. She sounds beautiful."

"She was." His smile faded. "Mischa and I were taken when she was four by the same man that later killed her." He stared at his hands. I never knew Hannibal and his sister were taken. I knew there was more to the story but I didn't want to push him.

"I am so sorry" I paused. I felt horrible. The pain and trauma he must've gone through. How was he able to recover and be normal, as if nothing had happened?

I continued, "I know sorry will never be enough to mend your pain." I hugged Hannibal. He wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me tight. He held on for awhile, I didn't mind. However he rearranged his arms every now and then, as if he didn't know how to hold me.

"Mischa would be so proud of you and the man you have become." I tried to comfort him but he just tensed up. I pulled him away so our faces were inches apart. His eyes were dark brown, if not looked at carefully, they could easily be mistaken as black.

I cupped his cheek. "I can't imagine the guilt you feel. But please trust me." He stared back with his beautiful eyes, "What happened wasn't your fault."

Hannibal stared lovingly. I mirrored his expression. He then spoke, "Never leave me (y/n)."

He paused and glanced down at my lips. Suddenly he leaned in and roughly kissed me. My body instantly reacted. I dragged my hand along the side of his neck as I kissed him.

"I think I'm in love with you." Hannibal panted.

I froze. I gazed into his brown eyes. Before I could say anything, he pushed his lips back to mine. I climbed on top of Hannibal. He gripped my thigh, securing me onto his lap. I combed my fingers into his hair. He snaked his hand under my shirt.

Fog filled the morning sky. I rolled over to an empty side of the bed. I sunk deeper into the sheets. My bare skin rubbed against the cloud like fabric. I blushed as I thought back to last night. I wasn't sure what love felt like exactly. But whenever I'm with him I think I do.

What I felt towards Hannibal was foreign. He made me feel safe, He trusted me with his past, and he showed me love.

I pulled on a baggy shirt and shorts. I found Hannibal downstairs making breakfast.

"Good morning." He smiled.

"Good morning" It was difficult to decipher my words as I yawned when speaking.

"Breakfast." He handed me a plate with eggs and sausages.

"Thank you" I flashed a sleepy smile. I carried the food to the dining room table, he followed. I sat next to him.

I wasn't too sure if I should bring up last night. It was amazing but I don't know if he felt the same. Or if he even meant what he said to me. Was the "love" he felt for me real or just misdirected lust?

"How is it?" Hannibal yanked me from my thoughts.

"Oh, it's very good." I said quickly and shoved a forkful of eggs into my mouth. I squeezed my hand. I wanted answers from him but I'm terrified of what his answer may be.

"Is something wrong?" Hannibal glanced down at my tight fist.

"No. I'm fine." I quickly said. His stare didn't lift. "Fine." I admitted defeat. "I was just thinking about last night"

"Did you not enjoy it?" His eyebrows furrowed.

"No! No not at all!" I raised my hands in defense. "I was thinking about what you said last night." I looked down at the wooden table. The topcoat made it reflective. I could see my frown.

Hannibal didn't response.

"Did you mean what you said?" I bit my cheek, preparing for the worst.

"(y/n), I meant every single word I said to you." He placed down his silverware. "I'm in love with you."

My mouth hung agape. All I could say was "why?"

"You are the only woman that has shown me kindness the way you do". He held my hands. His soft gaze melted me.

"You are the only man the made me feel safe, and cared for. I love you" I kissed him.

I was in a happy mood ever since. We continued to eat. I ate my plate clean however Hannibal was still working on his. An idea popped into my head.

I stood up while planning for my escape route.

"What are you doing?" Hannibal asked.

Mischievous giggles came from me as I snagged a sausage off of Hannibal's plate. Before I could make a run for it, he grabbed my hips and effortlessly pulled me onto his lap.

"I believe that is mine." He reached for my fork with the sausage. I opened my mouth to quickly eat the evidence but Hannibal was too fast. He ate it before I even had a chance.

"Hey!" I whined.

He bellowed with laughter. I couldn't help but laugh in return. My back pressed against his chest. I felt his raise and fall.

I leaned back, looking up at Hannibal. He pecked my lips. He leaned down again to give me another kiss but the doorbell rung.

I stood behind Hannibal as he answered the door. I peeked my head out when I heard Alana's voice.

"Sorry to come by so early but there has been a breakthrough in the Ripper case."

I instantly stepped out to face Alana. "What happened?" My voice was shaky. Hannibal put a protective arm around me.

"The police have found another one of the Ripper's victims." Alana paused "Miriam Lass."

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