Chapter 5

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Hannibal peered over at (y/n). He watched as her chest gently rose and fell as she slept. He walked closer to her and leaned down. Their faces were inches apart. He took a whiff of (y/n)'s hair. He smiled at the pleasant smell she emitted. He found a hair brush and collected some of the hair on it. He tucked the strands in his back pocket.

Hannibal then proceeded to walk around the house, familiarizing himself with the place. He noted that the backyard gave little view to the neighbors. Tall trees border the property and houses placed far apart.

He checked on (y/n). She moved around in her sleep causing the bed sheets to fall off her body. Revealing the short shorts and baggy sweater she was wearing. She laid on her side. One leg raised at waist level and the other pointing straight as she held her pillow. (y/n)'s smooth skin glistened in the afternoon sun and her hair fell out of the tie and was sprawled out across the pillow. Her lips slightly parted and cheek smushed a little as it rested on her arm.

Hannibal had to step out of the room to keep his composure. He bit his lip and readjusted his pants. This feeling of attraction was overwhelming for him. He never felt this emotion before, what was it? Fear, happiness, admiration? He pushed down his thoughts and regained his normal calm demeanor.

Hannibal remembered he brought food ingredients. He decided to make (y/n) a meal to push away some intrusive thoughts. He reached into the cooler he previously placed on the counter. He pulled out a fresh bag of raw meat. He molded a patty out of the ground meat. And began to cook.

"What are you making?" a groggy voice asked. (y/n) stood in the doorway of the kitchen.

"A cheeseburger and fries." Hannibal said as he plated the food.

"Really?!" (y/n) jumped and clasped her hands together. Hannibal chuckled and brought the plate over to (y/n). "Wow. somehow you manage to make a cheeseburger look elegant." Hannibal smiled as she took a bite. "So good! Thank you."

"I'm glad you like it."

"grab your plate and come eat in my room." She disappeared into the bedroom.

Hannibal glanced at the kitchen table but then decided to follow (y/n).

Her small body wobbled when she quickly sat down on the bed. "Come sit over here." She patted the bedding next to her. She noticed Hannibal's hesitation. "Loosen up" She chuckled. "Not everything has to be formal all the time." She smiled. The extra sleep put her in a much better mood.

Hannibal sat next to her and watched her turn on the tv and flip through channels. They both started to eat. (y/n) sat with her legs criss crossed and leaned against the head board with a pillow behind her. Hannibal's posture was very stiff. His legs hung off the bed and he sat straight up. (y/n) chuckled at his bewilder reaction to the causality of everything.

"would you like to talk about the event that triggered your anxiety attack this morning?" He asked as he cut up his burger with a fork and knife.

"Ok." (y/n) adverted her gaze from Hannibal.

"Start off with what you saw."

"A man gutted and tied to a car... Antlers were protruding from his chest." She stared at the bedsheets, detached. "When I was taking a nap before, I had a nightmare about what happened." She paused. "I was the one tied to the car." (Y/n) started to clench her hands and breathe heavily.

"(y/n) look at me." Hannibal knew another attack was coming. He tried to redirect her attention but her chest only rose and fell more dramatically. "(y/n) you need to look at me." He commanded. She started to shake. Hannibal tried everything and nothing seemed to get through to her. So he just embraced her. His hand pressed her head into his chest and the other wrapped around her waist tightly.

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