Chapter 12

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"Miriam Lass was recruited to the Ripper case awhile back." Alana explained on the car ride to the FBI building. "Jack Crawford thinks Miriam discovered who the ripper was. That's why she went missing two years ago."

"Wait. If you found another victim won't that clear Will's name? He couldn't have done anything while locked up." I said hopefully while holding my seat tightly.

"Not necessarily. Unlike all the other ripper victims, she was alive when we found her."

"That means she knowns who the real Chesapeake ripper is." I smiled. Will will be free and we can lock up the real monster.

"Not exactly." Alana frowned at she drove. "Miriam has been gone for two years. She has experienced serious post traumatic stress. She's not talking."

"Will she be ok?" I rubbed my hands to prevent myself from biting my cheek.

"It'll take awhile but she will recover."

"How did you find her?"

"Three days ago we found Miriam's left arm."

I gasped.

"I didn't tell you because I knew you would worry even more. Will suggested running more tests on the tissue of the arm. They found organisms that only live in a certain aquatic environment. Then we traced that organism to habitats nearby. That led us to a small pond outside an abandon shed. Miriam was found in a well inside that shed." Alana's eyes didn't leave the road.

I couldn't believe what I heard. The poor girl was locked up for two years while everyone was busy pinning the murders on Will. My heart broke for her. That monster ruined mine, Will's, Miriam's, and so many other's lives. It took everything in me not to cry. I squeezed my eyes shut and squeezed my fists. I wish Hannibal was here.

The car was quiet for some time then eventually Alana broke the silence. "Jack thought that you might be able to break through to Miriam. The Ripper tormented both of you. Maybe not in the same way, but enough for you to empathize with her."

I released my fists, "I-I can't talk to her!" I turned towards Alana.

"Why not?"

"What if I say the wrong thing or I can't get through to her?" My leg started to violently shake.

"You don't give yourself enough credit. You are the kindest person I know. Just be yourself." She flashed a soft smile.

Alana brought me to the interrogation room where Miriam Lass sat on a metal chair in front of a matching table. The artificial lights were way too bright. The room temperature wasn't any better. She was shivering. It's as if they were treating her like a criminal. No wonder she hasn't been talking.

"Here, have this." I gently spoke as I pulled off my jacket and helped her put it on.

"Thank you." She whispered, avoiding eye contact.

I dragged the other chair next to her. I sat down facing her. "Hi Miriam. I'm (y/n)." I kept a soft voice in order not to startle her.

"I know you're scared. I understand. The Ripper came to my house and planted a knife in the side of the building." She slowly looked up at me. "I want to catch that bastard as much as you do, if not more after seeing what he did to you." I delicately held her hand. "Can you remember anything about him?"

"N-no." She looked down.

"Hey, it's ok. Do you think you'll be able to try something for me?"

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