Chapter 7

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Hannibal brought (y/n) to his house. Jack and Will both agreed it wasn't safe for (y/n) to live in her house alone.

Hannibal carried (y/n) up the stairs. As he did, he smelt her hair and placed her on the bed. Her scent was intoxicating

He smiled. He couldn't help but be satisfied. He's the one who left the knife at (y/n)'s house. He knew she would be scared but it was the only way to get (y/n) to come live with him. He had no other choice. He did this for (y/n).Her anxiety condition made her vulnerable, she needs him. Hannibal needed her to need him.

(y/n) was supposed to be in Hannibal's care for protection from the Ripper. But all Hannibal was planning on protecting her from is those who threaten to take her away from him.

His fascination with (y/n) was uncontainable. unhealthy. unnatural. perhaps she filled the need of a loving woman figure in his life that his vacant mother caused. She showed the kind of compassion he was never given as a child. He had to find where his connection with (y/n) would lead.

Hannibal laid (y/n) on the mattress. (Y/n) started to shiver. The bedsheets shook along with her clattering teeth. Her eyelids were slightly parted.

Hannibal placed a blanket on top of (y/n). "Your body is in shock from the rapid decrease of oxygen your brain experienced during your panic attack" He left the room and went into the bathroom to turn on the bathtub. (y/n) sat up, barely holding herself up as she shook.

"You'll be alright, this is just how the body reacts." He looked into (y/n)'s eyes and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. He lifted her up in his arms and carried her to the bathroom.

"You need to stay warm so I set a bath for you." He carried her to the tub. He turned around to leave (y/n) to herself.

"W-wait!" (y/n) cried. "H-help" She tried to tug at her clothes but her body was too weak to undress by herself.

Hannibal returned to her side. His hands held her waist as he placed her down on the side on the tub. He gently pulled off (y/n)'s shirt and bra. Her arms flung to her chest as a form of protection from the cold. Her clattering teeth echoed in the tiled room. Hannibal pulled down her pants and underwear. (y/n) tried to climb into the tub but the sudden movement disoriented her vision. But Hannibal stopped her head from crashing in the wall. He lowered her down into the water.

"You are dehydrated." Hannibal handed her a glass of water. His hand rested on top of her's and his other hand held her head back to keep her stable as she drank the water.

Hannibal rolled up his sleeves and continued to take a washcloth and squeeze out the warm water onto her body.

He watched the water slide down her breasts as she held onto the sides of the tub and closed her eyes. Her hard nipples turned soft as the warm water released the tension. Hannibal sensed his arousal. he glided a hand through his hair to keep his composure.

"T-thank you." (y/n) lifted her gaze to Hannibal's eyes. He melted under her wide innocent eyes and meek smile.

"It's no problem." Hannibal continued to squeeze warm water on her neck and down her back. Hannibal quietly bit his lip to distract himself from his erection."You'll be staying here until it's safe for you to go home." Hannibal knew she'll never leave but he must make her believe she will, for now.

(y/n) leaned into Hannibal's hand and yawned.

"You seem better now. Lets's take you to bed." He rubbed a circle on her cheek with his thumb.

Hannibal always figured he would be alone for the rest of his life. But having someone to take care of, someone to rely on him, brought him to realize how starved he was for human connection.

He offered to help her out of the tub but she insisted on doing it herself. As soon as she stood up, she lost her balance but Hannibal managed to swoop her up in his arms.

He couldn't help but chuckle "Maybe you should listen to me more?"

(y/n) giggled "Maybe I should."

(y/n)'s wet body pressed against Hannibal's. Her wet chest soaked his button up shirt. Leaving a thin piece of fabric preventing (y/n)'s breasts from rubbing up against Hannibal's bare chest. All while he carried her to the bedroom.

He helped dress (y/n) in her underwear and one of his shirts. When Hannibal was turning to leave, (y/n) lightly gripped his wrist.

"Please stay." She mumbled as her head sunk into the pillow.

Hannibal felt a warm sensation in his chest. He couldn't resist her. He slipped off his shoes and joined her. The bed sunk as he laid down next to her. She leaned against Hannibal as she fell to sleep. Hannibal rubbed her waist and played with her hair. Once she was deep in slumber he kissed her forehead before he got up to leave. He took one last look at the sleeping beauty who rested in his bed.

"I'll be back, I have to take care of something." He whispered and left.

Hannibal's night was busy but he had to be home by morning, (y/n) was waiting. But he must do this to prevent fingers pointing at him for the murders.

Will told Hannibal in one of their sessions that he felt a paternal connection to a young girl he saved, who was in Alana's care. The girl's father attempted to kill her. And with Will's recently noticeable deteriorating mental state, she would be the perfect victim.

Hannibal thought to himself how the prosecutors would explain Will's actions. 'Will needed to finish what the girl's father started'. Hannibal couldn't help but laugh. Everything was just so entertaining.

Hannibal hummed a tune as he lodged a severed ear done Will's esophagus. His sedated body allowed it.

Hannibal then painted blood on Will's hands. The young girl's blood.

Hannibal dragged Will to his bedroom and placed him in the bed. Hannibal then replaced certain objects in Will's living room with trophies from the Ripper's victims. Well, from Hannibal's victims.

Hannibal left the scene. He wanted to spend more time with (y/n)'s sleeping body before the anticipated call Will will make.

Hannibal knows Will will call him in the morning when the sedative wears of. He'll be in shock, thinking that he is the Ripper. He'll ask for Hannibal's advice for what he should do. Hannibal will tell him to turn himself in. All while playing into Hannibal's trap.

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