Chapter 29

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 The man stared at me confused. He looks like Hannibal and sounds like him too. I bit my lip, I wanted to run up and hug him and tell him how much I missed him. But I can't, he's not real.

This is just a trick my mind is playing on me. It must be the pills. They had to have killed me or at least knocked me unconscious and is inducing hallucinations.

He helped me to the dinner table. He watched me as I stared at my plate.

"Please eat." I heard him say. Mischa babbled as she sat on Hannibal's lap. I looked up at her. Was she real? If I died than that meant I left a four months old baby all alone, she can't take care of herself. The guilt swelled in my stomach. I was a horrible mother.

"Do you want to hold her?" Hannibal noticed my staring. He didn't wait from my answer, he plopped her on my lap.

She leaned against my chest and tried to pull down my shirt. I didn't react. I felt empty. I just wanted this to be over. Was this what death is like? A replay of what once was or could've been?

I stared at the floor and choked on a sob. "I didn't want to die."

A part of me still believed Hannibal was going to come home. He'd be greeted by my corpse instead of a hug. I didn't want to die. I started to cry.

The man that looked like Hannibal sat next to me and rubbed my back. I rather spend an eternity in blackness than be stuck in this purgatory, being taunted by the man I loved that I'll never be able to have again.

"You're not dead." He came by my side and cupped my cheeks. I stared into his eyes. "I came home from Lithuania, I'm here now."

Was it even worth arguing with this fictitious man?

"I'm so sorry I left you and Mischa for so long. I was a coward. I was too afraid you would reject me." I watched his eyes well with tears. I've never seen Hannibal cry before. Seeing him like that broke my heart, but it's not real.

"This isn't real." I whispered. Mischa shifted in my lap.

"(y/n), I found you seizing from all the pills you took. I reached my fingers down your throat to make you vomit. You're alive." I stared at the floor. He lowered his head to catch my eye but I turned away again. "Please (y/n)." He held my hands and begged. "Please I am so sorry. I know I don't deserve forgiveness but please acknowledge that this is real." Tears slid down his face. "I love you." He tucked my hair behind my ear. "...I love you."

I shook my head and fought back the tears "No, You're not real." I forced a smile. I thought maybe smiling could stop the tears from falling.

More tears cascaded down his cheeks.

"You're not real." My smile slowly started to fade.

He stared back at me with so much pain.

"You're... not real" I choked back tears as I came undone. "You're not..." I fell against him. I couldn't deny it anymore. I wrapped my arms around Hannibal's neck as he wrapped his around my waist I cried into his shoulder and held Mischa between us as I wailed. I missed him so much. I couldn't believed he actually came back. Perhaps I knew it would be easier to accept his absence rather than his crimes.

I didn't want to let go, if I did maybe he would disappear again. So I held him tighter.

Hannibal rubbed my back and laced his fingers into my hair. I clung to his chest.

"I love you too." I whispered.

Mischa started to fuss and grab at my shirt. Hannibal released his clutch. I missed it already.

Hannibal offered to feed her but I insisted I'd do it. I owed that much after almost leaving my daughter motherless. I leaned against Hannibal as he helped me walk to the living room. My body was still frail and weak.

Mischa latched onto my nipple as soon as I lifted up my shirt. I held the back of her head as she ate. Hannibal watched.

"I'm so sorry." Hannibal said just above a whisper.

I didn't know what to say. I'm not mad anymore. I just want everything to go back to normal.

"I have changed. I've stopped killing and I'll never leave you or Mischa ever again." He kissed my cheek and let me rest my back against his chest.

I still love him so much but things feel so different now. "Will things ever go back to normal?" I slouched further into his chest. Mischa rested on me still suckling.

"I don't know but we can try." He gathered my hair and moved it to one side so he could kiss my neck. 

Mischa lefted her head up. Milk dribbled down her chin. Hannibal reached around and wiped it off with his thumb. A small smile peeked through my lips. I sunk deeper into his chest. He stroked my head. Mischa reached up and grabbed my nose. I giggled and Mischa smiled back. I then felt the familiar feeling of Hannibal's rumbling chest underneath me while he chuckled. I sensed his stare when I reached for and held his hand.

Maybe we could be a happy family.


Sorry guys this isn't the end. As much as I want to give them a cheesy ending it's just not realistic for their characters. This series has about 2 more chapters left.

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