Chapter 30

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Mischa's little stomps could be heard from the next room along with the sound of cereal spilling onto the floor. Stuffed animals and blankets occupied my arm as I chased Mischa. She giggled as I pulled the bowl from her hands. I groaned at the mess on the floor. A trail of Cheerios marked her route around the house. I lifted her up and carried her on my hip.

"Mommy." Mischa said.

"What is it?" I asked. She just smiled and buried her head against my neck. I smiled but that was short lived once I realized she was wiping her snotty nose against me.

I placed her on the couch and turned on the television. I then navigated my way through the sea of mess. I was on my hands and knees picking up Cheerios, toys, and other victims of Mischa. Once the house was clean I wiggled her pajamas off and dressed her as she held eye contact with the tv. I caught a glance at the clock, 8:07am. The sitter will be here by 8:30. I pulled a hairbrush through my hair while brushing my teeth with the other hand. I got dressed and heard Mischa echoing back the nursery rhythms coming from the television.

I gave one last wave to Mischa as she stood in the door way with the sitter. I got in the car and started the engine. I placed my hands on the wheel but I paused when I saw the ring on my finger. Should I take it off? I don't want him to know I've still been wearing it after all this time. I'm not going to give him the satisfaction. I wiggled the ring off and put it in my purse. I pulled out of the driveway and headed off.

My eyes stayed on the road but my head wandered. I rubbed my finger where the ring was.

I was a fool for thinking he could change.

Most married women's greatest fear is catching their husbands having sex with another woman. Mine was catching him killing.

I can still remember it so vividly. The scent of blood. It was months after Hannibal made his promise to change. He was gone more, he passed it off as picking up extra hours at his clinic. I wanted to believe him. I so badly wanted to believe him. But I knew better.

I followed him to a hotel outside of town. I watched him take a lady to a room. It all pointed to infidelity. It's so sad that now I wish that was the case. I thought he was cheating on me. I had to see it with my own eyes. I opened the door and saw plastic wrapped around the room dotted with blood.

The metallic smell still lingers in my nose.

I saw Hannibal on top of the naked woman. Except he was fully dressed and wore a plastic suit to cover his clothes. The woman was cut open. The skin on her chest was pulled back relieving her ribcage. Hannibal's hands were buried inside her digging for her organs. I remembered how he slowly looked up at me.

My grip tighten on the steering wheel.

I slowly closed the hotel room door and walked out. When I got home I knew what I had to do. There were no more chances, he used them all. It wasn't just about me anymore, it was about Mischa too. I was putting her in danger but letting her father be around her. So I did what I should've done the first time. I called the police and packed Mischa's and I's bags. I piled our stuff in suitcases and ran through the house collecting our things. I zipped up our bags and turned around to see Hannibal sitting on a chair under the dark lighting.

"I called the police." I warned him.

"I know." He stood up.

"If you leave now they'll miss you." I looked at him while on the verge of tears. "I don't want to see you, I don't want to know where you are. Don't contact me. Don't come back."

He just nodded and left through the back door. I thought that would be the last time I ever saw him. I then saw the flashing red and blue lights. I carried Mischa outside where the officers were waiting.

"Where is he!" Jack Crawford shouted.

"He just left."

"I'm here." Everyone turned to the shadows as Hannibal appeared with his hands in the air. The officers had their weapons drawn. I hid Mischa's face against my chest. Hannibal knelt down and officers surrounded him.

"Why did you turn yourself in?" Jack spat.

"I want you to know exactly where I am, and where you can always find me." Hannibal looked to me and smiled.

I had to pull to the shoulder of the road I was crying so much. I opened the car door and vomited on the pavement. I leaned back in my seat and slowly breathed in and out. I brushed my fingers through my hair

After Hannibal was sentenced to the Baltimore Hospital Mischa and I finalized our move. I sold the house and moved out of state. Too many bad memories. Jack Crawford calls every now and then to check in on us. Alana Bloom and I rekindled our friendship. She always comes down to visit, she especially loves Mischa. Alana is now the head of the Baltimore Hospital. Will Graham got his sentence reduced after news of Hannibal's trial. He's scheduled to be released next month. I told him he can stay with me and Mischa while he learns to get his feet back on the ground again.

Will said that this trip wasn't a good idea, but he doesn't understand that I need some kind of closure. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself. I haven't seen Hannibal in 2 years and It's no secret that I still love him. I hate what he as done but I don't think I'll ever be able to stop loving him.

That's why I decided to visit him.


The last chapter will be published next week on Sunday!

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