Chapter 16

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"Goodbye! Love you!" (y/n) yelled as she used one hand to wave bye to Hannibal and the other to hold a box of cupcakes. The days have gotten colder and shorter. (y/n) promised her kids at the daycare she would bring them a treat before school started up again.

Most children left already but a few's parents were running late. (y/n) played board games with them as they waited to be picked up.

(y/n) heard heavy footsteps, expecting it to belong to a parent. But she was surprised to see it was Hannibal.

She smiled. She always wanted to bring Hannibal as a guest to speak to the kids about doctor stuff. (y/n) found Hannibal fascinating and knew the kids would too. Especially because the doctor toys in the room have battle scars from the daily attention the children give. But Hannibal always insisted on staying in the car to drop (y/n) off or pick her up.

"Normally you would be out by now. I came in to make sure you were alright."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Some parents are a little late so we're playing candy land to pass the time." (y/n) giggled as she watched one of the kids pout as they moved their game piece back 10 spaces.

"Alright, I will be in the car." Hannibal turned towards the door.

"Nope. You're stuck here now." She grinned widely. "Here, you can be the blue gingerbread man." She handed him the game piece and briefly explained the rules.

(y/n) and the four kids watched as Hannibal drew a card. He moved his game piece eight spaces along the board. Hannibal cracked a small smile as two kids hollered at him for passing their gingerbread men.

"Hush." (y/n) quieted them. "My turn." She moved her red gingerbread man ten spaces.

"Ms. (y/n)."


"I'm beating you!"

"You are?" (y/n) gasped and smiled

"Yup!" The little girl pointed to a purple gingerbread man two spaces in front of (y/n).

"You better watch out I'm coming for you." (y/n) laughed along with the little girl.

A few rounds went by and parents started showing up. (y/n) was speaking to the last child's mother. "Don't worry. We played all kinds of board games and had lots of fun-"

"Ms. (y/n), will you bring in cupcakes again?" Interrupted the little boy. He looked up at (y/n) as he tugged at her dress a little.

(y/n) squatted down to his level. "Well." She put her finger on her chin. "What is the next holiday coming up?"

He thought a little bit, "Halloween?"

"Yup!" She gave him a high five. "I'll bring in more cupcakes for halloween."

"Thank you." He hugged her waist.

(Y/n) giggled and hugged him back. The mother smiled and waved goodbye.

On the car ride home Hannibal's hand rested on her thigh. He didn't think he could fall even more deeply in love with (y/n) but watching her interact and care for those children proved him wrong. He couldn't stop imagining her with his children. His hand intently rubbed circles on her thigh as he stared at the road.

He watched her squeeze her legs together. He licked his lips imagining all the things he wanted to do to her.

The next morning she laid naked on his chest. He rubbed her back and smelled her hair. She started tracing the scar underneath his chest. He gently held her hand in place. She slowly lifted her eyes to him. Hannibal pulled her by the waist closer to his face. (y/n) giggled as she stared into Hannibal's eyes.

"I love you so much." She whispered.

"Then marry me." He whispered back.

Her smile faded as she lifted herself up and was now sitting on his lap. She covered herself with the bed sheets. "What?"

He sat up. "Marry me."

She held on to his upper arm. "Hannibal are you being serious?"

"As serious as I'll ever be." He was inches apart from her face.

The widest smile Hannibal has ever seen broke out on her face.


Hannibal smiled. The woman that he wants to spend the rest of his life with wants the same. He kissed her and held her close to his chest.

"Go get dress I want to take you somewhere special."

"But I don't want to get out of bed." She snuggled deeper against Hannibal.

He coaxed her out of bed with promise of breakfast.

She emerged in the kitchen expecting to be greeted by the delicious smell of sausage and eggs. Instead Hannibal was waiting at the door.

"Where's breakfast?" She pouted.

Hannibal held up a bag. "I simply said I'll make you breakfast. I never stated when we'll eat it."

"Hannibal..." (y/n) groaned. She turned to walk back to the bedroom.

He just carried her out of the door.

"Are we here yet?"

"Not yet." He reached for (y/n)'s hand as they drove through a quite road next to a beautiful open field.

Once they arrived far from the main road, into a secluded hiking trail. (y/n) began spreading the blanket onto the grass. She plopped down as Hannibal served her breakfast.

"It's so good. Thank you Hannibal." She kissed his cheek.

After all the food was gonna, (y/n) walked barefoot away from the blanket. Hannibal watched her. She came back with a bouquet of wild flowers.

"look. It's so pretty."

Hannibal guided her onto his lap. He tucked one of the flowers behind her ear. She did the same to him as she giggled.

"You look so pretty." (y/n) laughed. Hannibal laughed along. He watched her lay on her back still smiling while she watched a distant plan fly by. Her hair spilled on the blanket behind her.

He wanted to protect her from any harm. Including harm he's done. He can't get married and raise a family while Jack Crawford is still looking for the Ripper.

"What are you thinking about?" (y/n) asked.

"Our future together." He cupped her cheek.

"I can't believe we're getting married." She laid her head on his lap. "You haven't changed your mind right?" She looked at him.

"Of course not." He kissed her. "I can't wait to start a family with you."

"You want to have kids?" She lifted her head up and stared at him.

"Of course." He softly smiled.

She gently lifted his hand off her cheek and held it. "Really?"

"Yes." He smiled.

She cheered and jumped in his arms while tackling him to the ground.


Next chapter next week. Just a little heads up it's going to be gorey.

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