Chapter 3

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Hannibal rushed over when he heard (y/n) whimper. He watched as a droplet of blood met the floor. His hand held onto (y/n)'s waist to keep her steady. While his other clutched a dish towel to her wound.

"I am so sorry." (y/n) gazed up at Hannibal.

"Nonsense. You have nothing to apologize for." Hannibal transferred the towel into (y/n)'s hand. He squatted down under the sink, rummaging in the cabinet. He stood back up with a bandage in hand.

"But I got blood all over your floor."

"Hush." He extended (y/n)'s arm and gently dabbed it with a wet cloth. "You couldn't have gotten this scrape from just bumping into the wall." Hannibal said as he stayed focused on wrapping up the wound.

(y/n) looked away in embarrassment, "I fell earlier today so that cut must have reopened."

"Smart and beautiful but clumsy." Hannibal watched as the red in her wound spread to her face in the form of blush. He hid a smile.

"Thank you for helping." She lightly touched her bandaged arm and yawned, "Excuse me. I'm just so very tired."

"You must come again." Hannibal gently glazed his thumb over her bandaged arm. "I'll cook your favorite meal." He smiled and laid a hand on (y/n)'s lower back, guiding her to the front door.

"My favorite meal is quite underwhelming compared to your normal world class cuisine." (y/n) giggled.

"Nonetheless, I'll make it" He said standing at the door with (y/n).

"Ok" (y/n) crossed her arms and looked up at Hannibal. "Next time I come here a plate with a burger and fries better have my name on it."

"Of course" An amused smile laid on Hannibal's face. He watched, making sure (y/n) returned safely to her car.

Hannibal walked back into the kitchen and scanned the flooring. He crouched down. Using his pointer and middle finger to collect (y/n)'s blood. He brought the red liquid up to his lips and inhaled the iron like aroma coming from the blood. He closed his eyes and relaxed as he licked the blood off his fingers.

He stood up and padded his mouth with a handkerchief. When (y/n) gets home she'll go straight to bed. However Hannibal can't, even though his body desperately needed the rest. He has more important work to do.

"Help! Help me!" A man screamed as he ran back to his car.

He was just trying to help the stranger pulled to the side of the road. The stranger said he was having car trouble.But it was all a lie. Leading him to running for his life from the Chesapeake ripper.

"Help!" The man reached the driver's side door. He franticly opened the door and rushed into the driver's seat. Before he could step on the gas a rough hand squeezed his throat and dragged him out of the car. The blanket of night made it hard to see the chunks of skin torn and left on the pavement. A knife was slowly pressed into the man's chest. Drawing out the pain. The man tried to kick, hit, push away but the killer's knife bit deeper into his chest.

The internal damage caused the leaking of blood into his organs. The man coughed up red into his attacker's face. The Chesapeake ripper stomped on his spine. Knowing exactly where to hit in order to paralyze. The man was hoisted onto the hood of his very own car. He was tied down like a prized deer during hunting season. The ripper then pushed antlers through the man's back protruding from his chest. His eyes reflected the immense pain, but his broken spine prevented any physical response.

Humming could be heard accompanied by the tearing of flesh. The Chesapeake ripper sang to himself as he gutted the man and sealed his organs in plastics bags and inside a cooler.

Once his work was done he returned home to store the meat.


Hey Everyone, I plan to publish weekly chapters every Sunday. So look forward to the next update!

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