Chapter 15

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FBI agents filled ever corner of Hannibal and I's house. Jack said they had to check every room incase the Ripper broke in and left evidence. Hannibal sat on the couch with me as Jack asked me questions.

"That monster delivered that box to my workplace!" I sobbed.

"Do you recall seeing anyone suspicious at the daycare or around the neighborhood?" Jack asked robotically. He was so sealed off. He didn't let any emotions show.

"Why are you in here questioning me when you should be out there catching him."

"(y/n) we need to ask you these questions so we can figure out the Ripper's identity and then we can catch that son of a bitch."

"It's Fredrick Chilton" I shouted in anger. The more time they waste with me the more lives Fredrick will steal.

"Why do you believe that?" Jack put his pen and notepad down.

"He framed Will for murder, manipulated Will into thinking Hannibal was a killer, and he is obsessed with me!"

"Do you have any evidence to support this."

"Well...No...but it's him." I insisted. Why wasn't he listening to me!

"Why don't you get some rest." Jack stood up.

I shot up "You have to believe me. I know it's him!"

Jack nodded at Hannibal. Hannibal placed his hand on my shoulder. I watched as Jack left the room. Hannibal sat me back down on the couch but I jumped up when I heard Will's voice.

"(y/n)!" Will yelled.

I rushed to the door and hugged him.

"Are you ok." He pulled me away from him to examine me for any injuries.

"I'm ok." Will's eyes looked bloodshot like he hasn't slept in days, his hair was a mess too.

Will's gaze shifted to Hannibal. Anger spread to his face as he walked towards Hannibal. "You sent that human heart to her didn't you?" Will hissed and pointed his finger at Hannibal.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you're a psychopath. You harm and manipulate others for your own entertainment!" Will stood still and reached into his pocket. Before I could react, he pulled out a gun and fired it. I screamed and shielding my ears from the echoing bang. I dropped to the floor.

Policemen and agents dive at Will and knocked the gun out of his hands. There was so much shouting. A wall of men block the view to Hannibal. Then a man ran away from the wall, shouting for a medic. His hands were covered in blood.

I removed my hands from my ears and watching Will being led out the door with his hands handcuffed behind his back. He turned to me and spoke. I couldn't hear him but I read his lips. You are safe now.


It has been a year since Will shot Hannibal. Will was arrested and sentenced to 20 years with chance of parole. The Ripper still hasn't been caught.

I made Hannibal cease working with the FBI. I couldn't risk losing him again. Alana took Hannibal's place at the bureau. And I sold my house and now permanently live with Hannibal

"Hannibal, are you home?" I asked.

"Yes, in my study" I followed his voice.

"How was work?" I swung my arms around his neck as I sat on his lap.

"Tiresome." He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me closer to his chest. "How was your day?"

"It was great actually." I beamed. "The kids are always so cute and kind."

He smiled and brushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

I gasped when an idea popped in my head. "Tomorrow morning, come to the day care with me." I sat up straight. "Please, Just to say hello." I pleaded.

"Maybe" He kissed me then lifted me up.

"Hey! put me down!" I giggled and drummed on his chest.

Hannibal carried me all the way to the bedroom and tossed me onto the mattress. He crawled towards me, and started yanking down my dress.

"No, Hannibal, not now." I readjust my dressed and avoided his eyes. He sat down next to me and placed his hand on my thigh.

"Ever since I got back from the hospital a year ago, we only had sex twice. You leave the room whenever I'm getting dressed or in a towel."

I bit my lip and fidgeted with my hands.

"I understand if you haven't emotionally recovered. But if that's the case you need to tell me so I can help you."

"No it's not that." I turned away.

"Then what is it?" He cupped my chin and turned me to face him. "We can't have a relationship if my lover refuses to see me bare." He was frustrated.

I couldn't hold it in. I started to cry. "I'm sorry but I can't."

"You can't what?"

"I can't look at it"

"Look at what?"

I pointed to a spot 2 inches below his heart. He began to take off his vest and dress shirt.

"This?" He pointed to the scar Will's bullet left.

I nodded, looking at my hands.

"(y/n), look at me." He lifted up my chin.

I looked him in the eyes as mine watered. He took my hand and placed it over the damaged pink flesh. I tried to pull away but he held it there.

"This isn't your fault."

"Yes it is!" I sobbed. "If I never met you then Will wouldn't have shot you."

"Maybe so but it was Will that pulled the trigger not you."

"I provided the circumstances for him to do so!"

"Will believed a delusion. A delusion neither you or I could destroy. He would have found a way to hurt me regardless. No one could have known that."

I fell into his arms sobbing. He laid me down and held me to his chest.

"What happened will never be your fault. I love you." He kissed the top of my head.


Remember to vote! Next update on Sunday.

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