Chapter 10

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It has been a couple of days since (y/n) moved in with Hannibal. They had a good routine going. Hannibal comes into (y/n)'s room at an ungodly hour, all dressed for work. He drags (y/n) out of bed despite all the pillows she throws at him. He makes breakfast while (y/n) packs both of theirs lunches. Even though Hannibal always has to double check her work because most days she forgets items. After the two return home from their jobs they go on a daily walk.

"Look what I found!" (y/n) carried a broken robin's egg towards Hannibal. "Here, look." She delicately places the egg in his hand.

"The robin must have recently hatched. The egg is still wet." He hands back the egg.

"Today at the daycare the kids found a birds nest with unhatched eggs and a mama bird sitting on top." (y/n) smiled to herself as she placed the robin's egg where she found it, under the tree. "They wanted to pick them up, but of course I said we can only watch and not touch. But that didn't stop one of the boys from trying to climb up the tree to catch the bird." (y/n) stepped through the shrubbery back to the path to return to Hannibal. "That poor boy fell and got scrapes all over him. I gave him a cookie after I bandaged him up and gave a lecture on listening." She giggled as Hannibal listened with a smile.

He couldn't pull his eyes away from (y/n). Her smile was so beautiful and kind. He watched as she rambled on about her day at work as the wind tugged on her hair. She emitted compassion everywhere she went. More importantly she showed him compassion. Something he never experienced as a child or an adult. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.

He couldn't help himself. He leaned in and kissed her. (y/n) instantly sank into Hannibal's touch. Her fingers knitted themselves in his hair. His hands tucked themselves under her shirt and onto her hips. Was this overwhelming feeling love?

Ever since the first night the two kissed they both knew they were drawn to one another. They would exchange occasional stolen kisses. But their interactions never escalated to anything more intimate, even though Hannibal desperately wanted any and every piece of her and her body. He wanted more than occasional kisses. He wanted so much more.

"Hannibal, not now. We're visiting Will later. We need to start heading back." (y/n) panted and wiped her lips with the back on her hand.

Hannibal wanted to grab her but the throat, take her right then and there, and make it so no other man's name will ever leave her lips.

"Come on! We're going to be late!" (y/n) grabbed his sleeve and started to drag him towards the house.

(Y/n) sat quietly in the passenger seat and Hannibal drove to the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane.

She practiced her breathing exercises. Everyone says Will Graham is the Chesapeake Ripper. But (y/n) knows it's not him. He can't be. Even if everyone else says he's guilty, she knows he's innocence. She just needs to find out who the real ripper is.

(y/n) was snapped back to reality by Hannibal's side car door snapping shut. He helped her out of the car and led her inside.

"Dr.Lecter, greetings." A voice called out.

"Hello Dr. Chilton." Hannibal said in monotone. There was much to dislike about Fredrick Chilton.

"And who's this?" Dr.Chilton readjusted his grip on his cane as he looked at (y/n).

"This is (y/n), she's a good friend of mine. Currently living with me." Hannibal stood slightly in front of (y/n), as if guarding her from Fredrick.

"Lovely to meet you Ms. (y/n)" Dr.Chilton reach for her hand. She reluctantly obliged. She cringed as he kissed it.

"Nice to meet you too Doctor." She quickly wiped his slobber off her hand once he let go. Hannibal watched with a satisfied smirk.

"Here to see Mr. Graham?"

"Yes" Hannibal answered making sure (y/n) was on the opposite side of him, farthest from Chilton.

He held her hand as he sensed her nerves. They were led to a room. Will was inside a small cage like a wild animal. A chair was placed in front of the cage.

(y/n) turned to Hannibal, "I can do this alone."

He frowned.

She squeezed his hand. "I'll be ok. I can shout if I need anything." She forced a smile.

Hannibal rubbed her hand. "I'll be by the entrance." He pointed towards the door.

Time slowed as (y/n) walked towards Will. Her footsteps echoed throughout the room. The chair clanked as the metal legs slid on the floor when (y/n) sat down.

Will stared at her.

"H-hi." Hi sounded inappropriate in this situation. Hi, you're being convicting of a crime you didn't commit but everyone thinks you did.

"Hey." Will said back. His voice was calmer than she expected. His eyes were sunken. The skin around his eyes was redden and so was his eyes. A look (y/n) knew all too well. He's been crying. (y/n) analyzed him. his demeanor, his voice, his face, wasn't of a killer's. She was now sure of it.

"I know you didn't do it."

"How can you be so sure?" Will said as if he wasn't even sure himself.

"Because it doesn't make sense. If you were the Ripper you wouldn't have involved me in it. Maybe Alana though." (y/n) drily chuckled. Trying to lighten the mood. It didn't work. "Beside, the ripper steals organs not ears. I believe you were framed."

I was startled by Will's smile.

"You're the only person to believe me. Not even Alana does." His smile faded by the last sentence.

"You're going to be prosecuted for crimes you didn't commit. We need to find the real Ripper before that happens." (y/n) was too busy sifting through her brain for clues to the identity of the Ripper that she didn't notice Will staring at Hannibal.

Hannibal walked (y/n) through the hallways after her conversation with Will.

"I'm now completely positive that Will's not the Ripper." (y/n) exclaimed to Hannibal

"If he's not then who is?" Hannibal asked. He was feeling out if she was suspicious of him yet.

"I have no clue." She said, biting her cheek."

"You're doing it again."

"Oh, sorry." (y/n) released her cheek. She continued, "Do you have any ideas?"

Hannibal thought back to the way Fredrick looked at (y/n). He balled his fists. "psychopaths like the Ripper take jobs of power. The Ripper will insert himself into the investigation. He needs to feel like he has control of it."

"So he's a police officer?"

"No, think. Who's someone that works close to the investigation. He needs access to Will."

"A nurse at this hospital?"

"He needs more power than a nurse."

(y/n) paused as she thought. When she came to the realization she gasped. "Dr.Chilton?"

"If you're right about Will being framed, then Dr.Chilton is my first suspect." Hannibal hid a satisfied smile. (y/n) easily fell for the bait.


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