Chapter 14

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Hannibal sat in his study staring out the window. He heard the front door open and close. He walked over down the hallway to greet (y/n) at the door. She quickly wiped her eyes to clean up any remnants of tears

"Where were you? I tried calling you, but you did not pick up." He questioned.

"You did?" She pulled her phone out of her bag. When doing so Hannibal spotted the gun inside her purse.

(y/n) checked her phone and saw the two missing call notifications. "I'm sorry. I was at-" She paused to think "- Alana's house." To advert further questions she left for the bedroom.

Hannibal walked outside to her car once he heard the shower running. He opened the car to find any indication of her whereabouts. When he looked at the floor he found shredded paper. He placed the shreds together. It was Fredrick Chilton's business card.

Rage filled his body. Hannibal balled the paper in his fist as he stormed inside and threw it into the fireplace. He slid his hand through his hair. As he huffed. He rolled up his sleeves and sat down with his elbows resting on his knees. He pressed his lips together.

He figured out that (y/n) went to see Fredrick. He could guess her intent behind the visit base on the fact she brought a gun.

But even so he was infuriated because she lied to him. Also Fredrick was clearly interested in her and the thought of him touching (y/n) made him see red. He marched to the kitchen and reached into the fridge. He pulled out a severed human heart. He was planning on cooking it for dinner but something more important came up.

Hannibal packaged the muscle into a wooden box, he stabbed a knife into it, and marked down an address onto the box. He wiped the box clean of any finger prints. And delivered it to the post office.

Hannibal greeted (y/n) as she got out of the shower. He wrapped his arms around her while she was wearing a towel. She melted into him. He pulled her to the bed.

"You had a rough day?" He gently laid his hands on her shoulder and massaged out the tension in her back. He carefully lured her into false comfort.

"mm hmm" She responded while tilting her head back and closing her eyes.

Hannibal's hands perfectly rubbed out the knots. The towel loosened around her body and fell to her waist. His hands glided down her back as he delicately kissed her neck. (y/n) reached behind to hold his neck. His finger tips kissed the smooth skin covering her ribcage. When his hands suddenly lifted from her skin she turned to question why he stopped.

Hannibal's demeanor shifted. "Why did you visit Fredrick Chilton?" His jaw clenched as he asked. He knew why but he wanted her to admit it.

(y/n) froze. "W-what do you mean?" She thought maybe she could escape his question.

"You went to the Baltimore Hospital." He plainly said.

She bit her lip as she turned her body to him. "I-I was looking for answers in the Ripper case. I know I lied I'm sorry. I knew if I told you you would get mad." Her eyes watered.

His expression soften when he saw her crying. Hannibal wiped away the tears with his thumb. "It's alright. But I need you to promise me that you won't lie to me ever again."

"I promise" She said. Hannibal knew she would keep true to her promise after she discovers her surprise in the mail. And Fredrick will get his just deserves soon.

"Good" His thumb pulled at (y/n)'s bottom lip he released it when his lips softly touched hers.

"I love you" he whispered.

"I love you too" She wiped away leftover tears with her palm and flashed a wide contagious smile.

Three mornings after that night, (y/n) arrived at work and a coworker flagged her down.

"Hey, (y/n)!"


"Just want to let you know you have a package in the office."

"Oh? Ok, I'll pick it up at the end of the day." She normally doesn't receive packages to her workplace. Occasionally a letter or two.

The package waiting for her temporarily left her mind as she was keeping children occupied all day at the day care.

(y/n) watched and waved as the remaining children left with their parents. She placed her jacket and scarf on ready to walk out the doors. But remembered that she had mail waiting for her.

(y/n) saw a wooden box next to the facility mailboxes. She read the label and it was addressed to her. She looked up from the box to the window. Everyone seemed to be flooding out of the parking lot. Only a few cars remained.

She carried the heavy box to her car she placed the package on the passenger seat as she drove home. Upon arriving, she carried the package into the kitchen. She used a kitchen knife to break the sealing tape. (y/n) then slid the lid off.

At first she couldn't identify the object. But when she did color drained from her face. She dropped the knife. The clanking of the steel on the tile floor echoed through her ears. Her hands shook as she covered her mouth. Her knees fell to the floor. Her heart was beating so fast, she couldn't breathe. She felt as if she was going to die. She didn't want to die.

Hannibal came through the door calling out for (y/n). He then saw the box he sent her on the kitchen counter. His eyes trailed to the floor where he saw (y/n) laying. He came to her side. Her body passed out from the adrenaline.

(y/n) held onto his shirt, while he softly rubbed her head. Hannibal couldn't save his sister but could save (y/n). He knew what he was doing was wrong but the feeling of being needed and wanted he lost when he was six, he now has. He wasn't planning of losing it again.

"H-hanni-b-bal?" (y/n) squinted her eyes.

"I'm right here" He cupped her cheeks.

"C-call Jack Crawford" She tried to hold Hannibal's hand but missed.

(y/n) tried to propped herself up While she took ahold of Hannibal's phone once he dialed Jack's number. Hannibal had to support her wobbly body.

"J-Jack it's the R-ripper." Her voice shook.

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