Chapter 1

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My heel tapped on the marble floor, so shiny and clean it could be used as a mirror. I played with the hem of my casual dress. Dresses were always so uncomfortable but I promised Alana I would wear one. She insists on a monthly field trip to a new restaurant. I would only agree to go because of the free meal.

The plan was to meet her in the lobby of her workplace and we'd drive together to whatever restaurant was highlighted in the monthly magazines she would receive in the mail. But she texted that she had to stay a hour late. So it was an hour of me counting the amount of lights in the lobby of the Federal Bureau of Investigations building.


I directed my attention towards Alana who was doing her best to jog over to me without tripping in her heels. A older man seemed to be walking besides her.

"About time." I joked and embraced her in a tight hug. She held my hand while she complimented my outfit.

"Oh I forgot" She turned towards the older man standing next to her. "This is Doctor Hannibal Lector, we were just discussing work things."

"Hello, lovely to meet you" Dr. Lecter smiled "You are?"

"I'm (Y/n)" I returned the smile and met his hand halfway between us. He gently shook my hand and placed his other hand on top of mine in a sincere way.

"(Y/n) and I are going to the Italian restaurant down town."

"I prefer not to eat out I enjoy cooking my own meals. Perhaps Dr. Bloom and yourself should come for dinner one night." Dr. Lecter suggested as his looked at me.

"I'd like that" I smiled.

"Well, we better get going or we'll miss our reservation. Talk to you tomorrow Dr. Lecter." Alana waved goodbye and guided me toward the exit.

I twirled my fork collecting the rest of the pasta on my plate. I stuffed it in my mouth as Alana messed with me.

"You sure you don't have a crush on Dr. Lecter?"

"No" I whined while giggling. "He's like twice my age!" I laughed and took a sip of wine. When I placed the glass back on to the table it clicked with Alana wine glass.

"I don't know you were awfully friendly..." Alana waved a finger and smiled.

"I might find him attractive...but that doesn't mean I have a 'crush' on him!"

"I knew it!" She banged the table and laughed, I joined along.

The following day, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and turned over to see Alana missing from my bed. She must've headed off to work. Saturday morning and she's stuck going to work. I guess crime chooses it's own hours.

She dropped me off late last night so I told her to just sleepover instead of driving home. She practically has half her closet here.

I put on slippers and a baggy sweater that I found hidden under a chair. The kitchen called my name, so I listened. I dumped the leftover pasta into a ceramic bowl and slid it into the microwave.

I slouched against the counter and closed my eyes. Lucky it's the weekend. I get to enjoy the day off from the usual chaos that working at a daycare center brings.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

I peeled my eyes opened and searched the room. The sound didn't seem to be coming from my phone. I followed the noise which led me to a purse on top of my dresser. The ringing stopped. I looked inside and saw Alana's phone and wallet. I groaned knowing this meant I would have to take a trip to the FBI office to return her belongings.

I told the women at the front desk in the lobby I was visiting Alana Bloom. The receptionist has seen me here before with Alana so she let me through. I took the elevator to the fourth floor.

Luckily enough I didn't have to go searching for her. She was looking at the bulletin board next to the entrance.

"Forgot something" I said while waving the bag.

She whipped around. "Thank you so much! I was planning on swinging by at lunch time to get it."

"What were you looking at?" my attention was redirected at the board.

"Nothing just new cases. I got assigned a poor girl. Her father killed her mother and a bunch of other girls."Alana bit her lip and continued to stare at the board.


"Yeah." She sighed. Alana reached into her bag to check her missed calls and texts.

"I'm going to catch a few more hours of sleep. Bye." I turned around ready to leave.

"Come on let me show you around. Aren't you a little curious how a FBI office runs?" She smiled and tugged my sleeve.

"fine but make it quick" I whined and let her drag me down the hallway.

On our way back from the morgue a office door opened. Out stepped Dr. Lecter and the famous Will Graham Alana always gushes about.

"Oh what a surprise, Dr. Bloom, Ms. (y/n)" Dr. Lecter greeted us.

"Hi Dr. Lecter, Will" I smiled at Hannibal and nodded at Will. "How are you?"

"I'm doing very good. And I assume you're very comfortable yourself." A smile small tugged at his lips.

I was confused, Why would he say that. I then looked down and realized I'm in sweatpants and one of Alana's baggy sweaters. My face turned bright red. Everyone else was wearing professional clothing. I froze in embarrassment.

"Well I disrupted her from her day off by making her drop my phone and wallet I left at her house last night." Alana sensed my embarrassment and answered for me.

"What a good friend" Hannibal smiled.

I rubbed my neck and smiled. "Alana was just giving me a tour, but I'm awfully tired so I'm going to head home."

"Before you do, I must remind you of your agreement to join me for dinner along with Dr. Bloom."

"I don't know if we can-" Alana started but I pinched her arm telling her to shut up.

"Would tomorrow night be best?" He asked.

"Yes" I smiled and nudged Alana.

"That can work" Alana said rubbing her arm and glaring at me. "But is it alright if Will joins?" She said looking past Dr. Lecter at Will.

"I don't see why not. Very well, I'll see you tomorrow night at 8." He said then began to walk away, he glanced at me and gave a small smile.

For the rest of my time in the office, Alana continued to tease me about how flustered I was in front of Dr. Lecter.

"Don't you have some doctor stuff to do instead of harassing me?" I hissed.

"Ok ok, I'll stop." She giggled. "But seriously" Her stance stiffened. "Be careful around Dr. Lecter. He gives me a bad feeling."

"What do you mean?" I glanced around to make sure no one was listening.

"Well for one, he checked out one of my patients from the hospital without telling me and gave her medication I did not proscribe." She huffed and crossed her arms. "Plus he rarely shows emotions. It's unsettling. I feel like he's hiding something."

"Just because someone made a mistake and is more reserved than others doesn't make him a serial killer." my hands rested on my hips.

"I know, I know, I'm just trying to watch out for you."

"I know, thanks. I'll be careful." I had no intention of taking Alana's advice to heart. Sure Dr. Lecter is different but not bad different. With that we said our goodbyes and I drove home.

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