2| Pins

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Chapter 2: Pins (Archer's POV)


I looked up from the desk, my eyes meeting my mother. "Yes, mother?" 

"Mrs. Harrington is coming to see you in an hour." 

"Pardon me, who?" 

"The seamstress. The tailor." 

I still don't know. 

"The one who owns Cherie." 

"Oh, all right. What for?" I asked, closing the accounts book. 

"Your suit needs a fitting. This is your first from them, they needed your measurements and we forgot to give them. She will come to check the fitting and it will be delivered tomorrow morning after alterations. Get ready." 

"I am ready?" 

"Then come outside and wait." 

"For an hour?" I deadpanned. 

"Yes!" she snapped. She's a grumpy woman, let's leave it at that. I followed her out of my study, sitting on the huge velvet couch while she sat on a single seat opposite to me. "While we are here, let's talk about your wedding." 

I knew it. This is a trap. I sighed, running my hand through my hair. 

"How is the bride-hunt coming?" 

"Not very good," I shook my head. "I haven't found one yet. I'd say that means this is failing." 

She glared at me in response. 

"Mother, you cannot expect me to see a girl and just be so attracted to her that marriage is in the picture. I need to know her." 

"You have your whole life to know her. That doesn't matter. We need a princess in this house, Archer." 

"You have introduced me to every princess you know and I haven't liked any of them," I said bluntly. 

"How about a normal girl?" We both looked up as my father entered the room. 

"That is preposterous," my mother scoffed. 

"Why? Your mother was one," he shrugged. 

I pulled my lips into a thin line, trying not to laugh. 

"This is not my kingdom," she spat. "This is Zariya." 

"This is my kingdom, Arabella. And I can assure you, we have had many normal women enter the family." He turned to me. "All that matters is that the bride, the daughter-in-law of this house has a good image. She must carry herself with grace, be well-known in our kingdom, and she must be beautiful." 

"Girls are nowhere near as beautiful as princesses, Edward." 

"They don't get botox, Arabella." He rolled his eyes, sitting beside me. "Find a nice girl, Archer. One that is beautiful, graceful, and liked. Time is precious, don't waste it, all right?" 

I nodded. 

"Well, it's too late now." We both turned to my mother. "I have called five princesses to come to stay with us. I think they would be great for this family. They will stay here as long as I want." 

"What?" I looked at her in disbelief. 

"This is a great opportunity for you to know them a little and select one of them to be your bride, Archer. They will be coming in the day after. Be prepared." With that, she walked off. 

I turned to my dad. "Is this a joke? I don't even get to choose who I marry?" I scoffed. 

"You can choose one from the five," he shrugged. "Or you can find a normal girl. Tick tock, buddy." He patted my leg and then stood up, walking away too. 

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